The headquarters of Genoa is these moments a boiler of voices against Pablo Married.
The leader of the PP has spent two hours gathered alone with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, which many territorial leaders point out as a possible married successor.
After that meeting, on the edge of 9:00 p.m., the married conclave has begun with the barons, of which they have not only come for personal matters.
This is how the present of the PP on the day that was general director of Coordination of City Hall of Madrid, Ángel Carromero, and one of the triggers of this crisis, has been low as an affiliate, so he has left with
Care your charges within the game in Madrid.

After listening to all the territorial barons, Pablo Married has begun to speak at the meeting he maintains with them at the Genoa headquarters for more than two hours.

At this time they have already spoken practically all.
Married said he wanted to hear what everyone had to tell him before making any decision.

The Conclave, summoned at 8:00 pm, began late because before married and Núñez Feijóo spoke alone, for almost two hours, on the seventh floor of the headquarters of the party.

He has spent an hour since the Pablo married meeting began with the territorial leaders of the PP, reports Juanma Lamet.
At that time, the president of the PP has already heard half of those present.
So far, there is unanimity in which married announced the resignation of him today and there are also no fissures in supporting Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, is on Wednesday at night at the Metropolitan Wanda Stadium to follow the Eighth Octo Party of the League Champions, while the regional PP leaders are gathered with the president of the
Training, Pablo Married, at the National Headquarters of the Party.

To the appointment, all the territorial leaders of the PP except that of Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, convalescent of an operation, and that of Baleares, Marga Prohens, whom doctors have discouraged flying when being in advanced state of gestation.

The president of the Popular Party of Cantabria, María José Sáenz de Buruaga, defended this Wednesday clearly that the solution for the Honda crisis that the training has been immersed “only has an outcome” and “the solution passes through Alberto Núñez Feijóo”.

At the door of the national headquarters of the PP, where the regional presidents of the PP have been cited to a meeting with married, Sáenz de Buruaga said that this appointment has to “necessarily mark a before and after”.

“Today we have to be all able to put an end to this agony and of course, definitely close this crisis that is bleeding us in the way you are doing it,” he warned the president of the popular santabers.

Thus, he stressed that he expects from this meeting “a definitive solution around a patterned roadmap and unit”.
“I think this episode only has an outcome, I think you should take a step aside or a step back and I think it’s going to be much better for everyone that happens today and not tomorrow,” he said.

Less than a year ago, the direction of PP Andalusian had to sign, reluctantly, an agreement that, in practice, meant losing most of the influence on the provincial party structures.
After a warm war especially in Seville, “where Juanma Moreno had to assume his defeat and the candidate blessed by Genoa, Virginia Pérez, revalidated the Presidency,” the National Directorate forced a pact that left the President in the hands of only two provinces,
Málaga and Huelva.
In the rest, Pablo married and, above all, Teodoro García Aegea came out with his.

Read here the complete information by Chema Rodríguez.

The President of the PP, Pablo Married, and the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, have finished his meeting at the headquarters of the party, in Genoa Street.
They have been gathered during an hour and a half, before the meeting of married with the rest of the Territorial Barons of the PP.

Pablo’s meeting married to the autonomous presidents has begun when ten minutes were missing for nine o’clock at night.
Previously, in the same headquarters of the party in Genoa Street, 13, there has been a meeting between El Marriedo and Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, asked for Wednesday to give “his time” to the very national leader of the PP, Pablo Married, although he highlighted the “huge experience” and the “good reputation between the party and society” of
Its possible successor, the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Upon arrival at the meeting called by married to the autonomic barons of the Party, Moreno justified it to solve the “very problem that the PP” has “although I came” sad “for it, and called” solve it with a lot of heart and a lot of head ”
and “do things very serenity”.

Thus, in honor of Married, he said that he could not “say absolutely nothing without listening to the President of the Party,” who acknowledged that “he has his right to explain” and added: “We have to give him his time, we have to give her space
One of the big doubts to clear in this meeting is, precisely, if married will continue or not leading the game to the Extraordinary Congress.

The President of the PP of Castilla y León and candidate elected to the Board, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has insisted on convening a congress urgently to guarantee the unit of the Party and assures that Alberto Núñez Feijóo is a “referent for all”.

In brief statements upon arrival in Genoa, Fernández Mañueco has claimed that a congress “as quickly as possible” is convened to “guarantee the unit of the party”.
“We have to make all the necessary decisions so that this is fulfilled,” he has feed.

President of the PP of Asturias, María Teresa Mallada de Castro, described this Wednesday to that of La Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, as “a reference for our party and especially for Asturias,” but he said he would not make decisions until he listened to the
Still National President, Pablo Married.

Upon arrival at the meeting summoned by married to the autonomic barons of the party, Mallada de Castro placed it as an opportunity to “listen to our national president and that we listen to the autonomous presidents” to be “capable among all to look for a
Satisfactory solution “.

Asked expressly by Feijóo, he described him as “a reference for our party and especially for Asturias” as a neighboring region, and he extolled that “it has always been a model to follow.”
However, she postponed any decision for her part to listen earlier what she had to say married to the barons.

President of the Popular Party of the Basque Country, Carlos Iturgáiz, asked for Wednesday to the President of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feio, who presents to the Extraordinary Congress that this training intends to summon for the first weekend of April and thus replace
Pablo married as a national leader of this training.

Iturgáiz was so strong upon arrival this afternoon at the PP National Headquarters to attend the meeting that married has summoned all the regional presidents to decide the future of the party after the internal war that exploded a week ago.

“A few days ago, President Feijóo said he was at the disposal of what the militants were asked and I have all the legitimacy as President of the Basque PP to ask him to be presented, that he is our president, so that we can advance towards what they want so many
Supporters that these days are so sad, disappointed and angry for what has happened, “he said.

The President of the Popular Party of La Rioja, José Ignacio Ashtrahos, has asked for an extraordinary Congress this Thursday to renew the dome of the party that serves to “pass page” and “heal wounds”, as well as “agglutinate will” and “boost the project
“From the PP.

“I want to tell you that since the PP we have always had a challenge of being the alternative to this government, which is the worst that Spain has had in one of the most difficult moments of our history,” said Ashtrays upon arrival at the headquarters of

In this sense, he has claimed his partners “be clear” and “be able to look for that necessary unit among all the presidents who are sure we will get to get this match forward.”
“It’s what citizens are asking, our voters, our affiliates, but they also ask for many Spaniards,” he has drew.

The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has confirmed that he will meet with the leader of the PP, Pablo Married, before the meeting he will have with the rest of the territorial ‘Barones’ at the National Headquarters of Genoa from 8:00 p.m.

“I come to a meeting convened by the president of my party, he has summoned me at 7:00 p.m. and therefore come to the call of the president of my party. Then we will have another meeting in accordance with the provisions,” said Gallego president to his
Arrival at the headquarters of the PP.

The president of the Valencian Community, the Socialist Ximo Puig, has affirmed this Wednesday that the PP “can not pass page without further” with an eventual relay in his leadership, because in the last two years “has been systematically dedicated to knocking down and trying
Break the rules of the game “.

In the act of signing a sanitary agreement with his counterpart in Canarias and companion of ranks, Ángel Víctor Torres, Puig has stressed that outside the “the indent” and “the internal disputes” must be in the breast of the PP a process
Of “Analysis and self-criticism would be very rigorous”.

For being a political training “with great historical responsibility” and that aims to be “Government Party” must act as such, and in his opinion he has not done it under the presidency of Pablo Married.

PP Senator by Menorca, Cristóbal Marqués, has appealed to “close ranks as soon as possible” after the internal crisis starring the national dome of training.

Marqués has recognized that the last week has been “difficult” for the PP, due to the events that are happening in the confrontation between the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and Pablo Married, who has not yet official
its march as president of the national PP.

“There is no time to lament, we want to continue working for the menior and the Balearic Islands, with the aim of changing the current left policies. I do not know what has failed, although it is evident that we have been wrong and it is necessary to apologize to citizenship”
, He has assured Marqués in statements to EFE.

Pablo Married has not resigned despite the pressures of some barons to leave the leadership of the party and if he did it tonight after seeing the regional presidents or before the Tuesday National Board of Directors would have to be annulled that appointment and the call for a
Extraordinary Congress.

Until now, what is planned by the popular leaders is that the National Board of March 1 approves the celebration of an Extraordinary National Congress for the first weekend of April and that the Galician Alberto Núñez Feijóo is then proclaimed as a new leader of the PP

However, all this scenario can radically change if Paul married resigns in the coming days.
Sources close to the Leader of the Popular Ratified Servimedia that he has not already done so on Wednesday and that the decision about his future will inform him personally to the territorial barons when he meets them starting at 20 hours at the National Headquarters of Genoa 13

The leader of the PP, Pablo Married, wants to “listen” tonight at the ‘territorial’ barons’ of the PP and what they pose before the next extraordinary congress before announcing when he leaves the reins of the party, according to Europe Press sources of his team

Many PP charges have requested these days “generosity” to married and take a step back to start a new stage that frees the “sangria” of votes that the PP is suffering from the deep internal crisis.
All eyes are already directed to the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

However, once you have agreed to convene an extraordinary congress as you have claimed numerous party charges, sources close to the ‘popular’ leader do not understand why you can not continue at the front of the PP at least until the next Board of Directors
National Tuesday and there say goodbye.

In any case, married is willing to listen to what the PPP presidents formulate at the meeting that starts at 8:00 p.m. in ‘Genoa’, which will not attend Madrid Isabel Díaz Ayusus for not being president of the party in
Instead, Senator Pio García Escudero will attend, who is at the forefront of Madrid Training since 2018, from the March of Cristina Cifuentes.

Citizens considers the Tax Agency or the Ministry of Finance should open an investigation to find out if someone obtained unauthorized fiscal data regarding the brother of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

The attached spokeswoman for citizens in the lower house, Edmundo Bal, has registered a battery of questions, collected by Europe Press, to know if Hacienda has already given some step in that regard or she plans to start investigations about it.

BAL echoed a ‘digital freedom’ information that aiming that the former Secretary General of PP Teodoro García Aegea agreed the renewal of the Court of Accounts with the Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, in exchange for the executive to pass information about
The contracts that a company linked to the brother of Ayuso closed with the Madrid administration.

The President of the Popular Party in Navarra, Ana Beltrán, has affirmed his intention to continue presiding over the party in the Forum community that “when the time comes, I will announce what steps I will give.”

This has been secured by the Vice-secretary of PP organization at the national level this Wednesday in a zero wave interview, in which it has explained that “the times of the congresses like the Navarra will follow their roadmap”.

The party leader in Navarra has spoken about the situation that the organization lives: “They are very complicated days, but I am calm, with my head very high and making the decision to support President Pablo married and then to the person who enters
Direct the match. ”

Ana Beltrán has said that he will always be “loyal” the President of the Party, “Sea Pablo married or the person who later arrives”, and considers that Alberto Núñez Feijóo is “great” although he remembers that the bases are the ones who decide.

The spokesman of the Socialist Group in the Andalusian Parliament, Ferrix Angeles, has accused the President of the Board on Wednesday, Juanma Moreno, to be more concerned about the “Cannibal Banquet” in which, in his opinion, the PP has become,
More than in Andalusia, while also the leader of the PP-A has replied by shaving the “campaign” Electoral who has already begun the Secretary-General of the PSOE-A, Juan Swords, to “make himself known” among citizens.

Ferrix and Moreno reproaches have been exchanged at the control session to the Andalusian government in the Plenary of Parliament, where the Socialist spokesman has defended that the Government of Spain “has fulfilled Andalusia,” being the autonomous community that “more resources received”
To face a “fair recovery in the economic and social”, but it has bet that the “bad luck” is given that the Board has “paralyzed” to this region “at the service of the interests” of the PP.

In that line, he has accused Moreno to “handle the institutional unique and exclusively for the times of his party”, the PP, who “is the right of always”, which opts for “privatizing public health”, by promoting ”
Private Universities “or for leaving behind” equal opportunities “in hiring to access the administration, according to the Socialist spokeswoman to the President, who has once again accused of being” very right “.

The PP manages the date of the day 2 and 3 April as one of the most likely to celebrate his extraordinary Congress, but there is nothing closed because it is a decision that will discuss the President of the Party, Pablo Married, and the territorial ‘Barons’.
according to party sources.
In the ranks of the PP there is someone who believes that even that conclave can be a little further for Alberto Núñez Feijóo left the succession of him in Galicia more ordered.

Married has convened on Tuesday, March 1, a meeting of the National Board of Directors, in whose agenda is the call of the XX National Congress that will have “extraordinary character”, the report of the National President and a section of “Guests and Questions”.

Beyond the ideological differences, deputies of different formations have gritted on Wednesday with Pablo married at Congress and have grateful, although they believe that it is late, the conciliatory tone of their farewell discourse, while regretting the climate of political uncertainty
generated by the PP crisis.

Married goodbye has shocked his party companions but also deputies from the rest of the formations, who have highlighted the human side of the PP leader, without leaving the criticism aside.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has affirmed this Wednesday that he is “the first” interested in investigating the alleged espionage to Isabel Díaz Ayuso through municipal companies, a matter on which he will investigate “to the end” and
“With all the consequences that this supposes.”

“He who wants to continue investigating is me (…) is I who put me at the head of the demonstration,” he said almeida before the media after a municipal act, the first that stars after resigning yesterday as a PP national spokesman
In the middle of the collapse of Pablo Married Directive.

The President of the Junta de Andalucía and the PP-A, Juanma Moreno, has asked for sensibly, serenity and generosity “to all, who can leave and those who can reach” and, although he recalled that candidates for Congress yet
Hay, Alberto Núñez Feijóo is “a reference figure”.

Moreno, which appears at the control session in Parliament before moving to Madrid for the meeting with Pablo Married, has said the journalists that he will be “very respectful with all, the first with Pablo” and he has advocated for waiting
to which you move it this afternoon “what are your proposals and ideas.”

Responsible for Economics of the PP, ELVIRA RODRÍGUEZ, considers that President Gallego, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is “a first level value” to make the PP a real alternative to the Government of the Socialist Pedro Sánchez.

“Feijóo is a first level value, one of those people who have the PP that makes us really be an alternative,” he said in the hall of Congress.

The Exministered has shown its sadness for the farewell of Pablo Married and considers “a spa that spa lose Paul”.
“But things are as they are and refuse to see that they are as they are, it does not lead you to nothing,” she added.

The newly resigned Secretary General of the PP, Teodoro García Aegea, resigned on Wednesday to his weekly question to the Government at the Control Session to Congress, but he has met several leaders and deputies of the party in a cafeteria near the parliamentary agencies.

The day after renouncing his position, García Aegea has wanted to see some of the vice-secretaries of the PP, among which he has quoted Pablo Montesinos, Ana Beltrán or Antonio González Terol, the only three charges that have remained faithful to the still president
of the PP, Pablo married.

The Minister of Consumer, Alberto Garzón, has wished “the best” to the President of the PP, Pablo Married, in “what he decides to do personally” and has accused the deputies of the PP of “Cinismo” in his farewell at Congress

In statements to the media during the presentation of the “Atlas of Meat” report, Garzón has recognized that “has always had a cordial treatment” with married and has affirmed that even though he has “disagreed a lot and very seriously” with him,
It does consider that it is time to have “humanity and empathy” and wish you “the best”.

The President of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miraras, has valued the work played by the National President of PP, Pablo Married, who has said that “he found a party in very low hours”, after the motion of censorship against Mariano Rajoy
, and “it has managed to reactivate it” and give “the survey around”.

López Miraras has confirmed that he has followed the intervention of marriage this Wednesday in Congress and who has been able to speak with Teodoro García Aegea after he presented his resignation as general secretary of the PP.
“I talk to my friends. A lot,” he has specified questions from journalists.

The Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has guaranteed this Wednesday that “all the people of the PP” that are called to appear in the Research Commission on the alleged Espionage to the Regional President, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, from Cibeles, will come
To it, it included.

“I will appear in the Research Commission. If I did not ask for the opposition, it will ask for the PP. As we have nothing to hide from our behavior or action, we will explain everything we have done in order to know what has been produced.
All those people who are from the PP can guarantee that they are going to appear, “he has moved before the media from the newly opened” Juan Genovés’ senior center.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, said on Wednesday that “Anyone can present” to the Congress of the PP but it has been affected that it must be “very clear that Spaniards will value unity, coherence and grouping
Around a solid project to be the actual alternative to sanchism. ”

This indicated in statements to the media during an act in Aravaca where he claimed his party that, “whatever happens in Congress, let’s look more at the Spaniards and do not look so much inside the game.”

The attached spokesman of citizens in Congress, Edmundo Bal, believes that it can not be ruled out that Paul Married returns to lead the PP at his next congress, but he has wanted “the best” person personally and has recommended that if
Leave the policy “Enjoy the life”, your family and your friends.

“He has not said anything clear about whether he is going to present himself again at Congress, he has not come to say goodbye at all,” he said BAL in declarations in the corridors of the lower house after the control session to the government.

After defining married as a “great parliamentarian” with “always brilliant interventions,” Bal has confessed to him “he spoided a little” that he has left “for the last day” the claim of “State Pacts on Important Subjects” and the Vindication
that politics can not be a succession of “insults” between left and right.

The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has affirmed that the PP crisis does not come from a “Leadership Problem” but of “political project”, to delve into that his “great challenge” is to stop being “the memesis” of Vox and
Empage a “autonomous” walking.

This has indicated it to the press during the visit to the collective photographic exhibition on La Cañada Real, ‘turn on the dignity’, in the Madrid town of Rivasvaciamadrid, questioned about the possibility that President Gallego, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is put to
Front of the party, replacing the current leader Pablo Married.

Regarding the option of Feijóo, Díaz has warned the PP that “it is not enough for a change of leadership” given that, since the exit of the Mariano Rajoy’s Expresident after the Motion of Censorship of 2018, this training suffers from a “huge crisis” of
“Political project”.

The president of the Government of Navarra, the Socialist María Chivite, has pointed out that the internal crisis of the Popular Party is a “embarrassment” that “discredit” to the political class.
“Let what they have to do, but they are ordering,” she said.

Chivite, who has participated on Wednesday in Madrid at the day ‘Navarra, pure energy’, in statements to the media has referred to the “fight fights” in the PP, which according to her, transmit a bad image: “We are attending
As a general public to a vision of the policy that accredit us all, “he considered.

“I’m not going to get into the internal power fights of a political party, they are internal things,” said President Navarra, although immediately he has tiled about the PP of “Bochorno Show”.

The Community of Madrid has “Total Fe” in the Prosecutor’s Office in the investigation of the contracts related to the brother of the Madrid President, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, after the complaints filed by the opposition, which on Wednesday has presented new invoices.

At a press conference after the Governing Council, the Spokesman of the Executive Madrid, Enrique Ossori, has relied on the performance of the Prosecutor’s Office, in front of the doubts initially arising in the environment of Díaz Ayuso, as it depends on Dolores Delgado, extended from
Justice of the PSOE.

Ossorio has stressed that the prosecution noted that the facts “are not solid” to constitute a crime, while it has added that these contracts passed “all the controls of the Community of Madrid”, including the Chamber of Accounts.

The president of the Junta de Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, has affirmed, in relation to the internal crisis of the PP, which “when someone comes to try to fix a country and is not able to fix or his house pass these things.”

Fernández Vara has made these statements in Montehermoso, where he has accompanied the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, on a visit to the Childhood and Primary College “Sebastián Martín” of this town of Cacereña.

“I would do a descriptive reflection and it is that in the last general elections there were four candidates that we all remember: one is the president of the government and the other three, Pablo Iglesias, Albert Rivera and Pablo Married, are no longer”, he said.

Members of the PP estimate that the president of the training, Pablo Married, who on Wednesday has been dismissed from the Congress, officially challenged as a leader on Tuesday next week before the National Board that will convene the Express Congress in which the training will choose
A new address.

Thus, several PP members consulted by EFE is indicated while since the National Directorate of the Party, where married already has a very reduced circle, they opt instead for prudence, and ask to wait for the meeting that this afternoon will maintain the still president
of the PP with the regional presidents of his party.
There is also caution among territorial leaders.

The ERC spokesman at the Congress of Deputies, Gabriel Rufián, has shown this skepticism that the possible new President of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is a moderate or a centrist.
“To me the Feijóo sounds a lot like to (Alberto Ruiz) Gallardón,” he compared.

He did it in statements in the Plaza de las Cortes, where he went to support a concentration of metro workers in Madrid to request a compensation fund for asbestos victims.
There he wished “the best in the personal” to the President of the PP, Pablo Married, despite having defended “very serious things” against ERC.

The mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has not had contact since last Thursday with Angel Carromero, date on which he presented his cessation “with immediate effect” as General Director of Coordination of Mayor.

This has been released this Wednesday Almeida from the new center of Older ‘Juan Genovés’, in Aravaca.
“I have not had more contact since last Thursday, when I asked for explanations,” he said almeida on the alleged espionage to the President of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, from the consistory.

The mayor of Madrid and until now PP’s national spokesman, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, has put in value that Paul married has fulfilled “his obligation” and has gone this Wednesday to the Congress of the Deputies to star in an intervention “elegant, successful and
Measure “demonstrating its” moral height “and” how it understands “politics.

In the midst of the PP crisis, which will be resolved in an extraordinary Congress, and after having lost most support of their training, married has come to the control session on Wednesday, where, instead of asking the head of the
Executive, Pedro Sánchez, has made a farewell speech and in which he has defended that politics is the “defense of the most noble principles and values, respect for adversaries and delivery to colleagues.”

Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, the candidate of the PP to the Board of Castile and León, has assured at a press conference, as asked about the meeting of the barons of this afternoon, that “the PP is going to be up to what
That Spain deserves “, so it is” sure “that the party will give” a satisfactory, fast and unity response, from the Fortress of the Popular Party “.

He has also assured that, although it is not “the most objective” to talk about Alberto Núñez-Feijóo for the relationship that unites them, it is “a reference for the PP” and has “an unquestionable moral leadership”.

Ana Beltrán, President of PP of Navarra and only regional leader who still supports married, has valued at ‘the sixth’ the possible resignation of marriage: “It is a personal decision of yours. This afternoon he will listen to the barons and always will always make the best for
The party, looking for the unity and that all are motivated and integrated, “according to the world Informa.

“Yesterday I saw the most bitter face of politics, I did not know her,” he said, before ensuring that married “is quiet and serene, giving us all a maturity lesson.”

For Beltrán, what has been married is to be “inflexible” with any possible irregularity, that’s why he asked Ayuso about his brother’s business.
“That does not mean accusing, huh?” He added he.

The Director of the Presidency, Public Administration and Interior of the Junta de Andalucía, Elias Benvodo (PP), has indicated this Wednesday that expects the meeting of this afternoon among the leader of the popular, Pablo Married, and the dome of training
Be “charged with common sense and generosity” to “leave as soon as possible” of the internal crisis that the match lives.

“From Andalusia, we hope you all agree to get out of this situation as soon as possible,” the counselor has indicated to questions from journalists in Seville during the presentation of the Action Plan of the Andalusian Brand.

The Government of Isabel Díaz Ayuso sees the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, as “an important asset” within the PP to lead the Party, after achieving four absolute majorities and having “a lot of support” of citizens.

At the press conference After the meeting of the Governing Council, the Spokesman for the Madrid Government, Enrique Ossorio, has expressed that the Executive of Ayuso has “the best ideas” about Feijóo being a “reference” within the PP.

After the crisis open within the PP by the clash between the President of the Popular, Pablo Married, and the President of Madrid, who has fractured the party, Feijóo is the autonomic baron that provides more support to lead the PP.

“Of course we see Feijóo as a great leader, it has been during these years in Galicia,” he said on Wednesday the mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre, who has also valued, also, that “illusion, hope, security
That is already giving Núñez Feijóo without being still at the front of the PP is going to be an element of impulse to the expectations of the PP in every way. ”

Of the tower, after being questioned by journalists about the current situation of the PP and if he sees the president of the Xunta and leader of the Galician PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, as president of the party, has an impact on that “at this time, I think
He has felt the responsibility to take a step forward and offer himself as a possibility of cohesion within the very clear match, and as a cohesion of the right center, in general, in Spain “.

The spokesman for PP-A, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, has affirmed that the Popular Party has lived in recent days that, in his opinion, is “probably the worst crisis since its foundation.”
“A crisis that, for different reasons, has led us to a situation that required an urgent, urgent action. And we, in PP-A We have always understood that this urgent solution passed through the call for an extraordinary congress, which has
Let him be held as soon as possible, “he said.

The president of the Xunta and leader of the PPDEG, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has avoided clarifying whether he plans to lead to lead the match in Madrid, in a control session in the Galician Parliament in which he has ignored the opposition of the opposition, PSDEG and
BNG, in this sense, beyond considering that no “you have to choose between Galicia and the PP” Because Galicia “always chose the PP.”

This affirmation of strength, over its four absolute majorities, and an allusion to which it is “a little boring” to the constant references of opposition to their prospects in Madrid, have been almost their only allusions to the issue that focuses national politics these
Days, after the crisis open in the PP.

One hour after the PP leader, Pablo married, took advantage of his intervention in the control session to the Government in the congress to say goodbye, Feijóo has tried to pass over the subject, despite the enormous media expectation that his presence has created
The hemicycle.

Citizens question that a PP leadership in the hands of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, of “nationalist” dyes, can fit in the rest of Spain.
“We’ll see if he’s policies like in Andalusia,” says sources of orange formation at the possibility that President Gallego directs the party.

They recognize the force of Feijóo in Galicia, where there is four consecutive absolute majorities and having cut off the passage to Vox, but question that their way of doing politics can be understood in other territories, referring, for example, to its linguistic model.

In any case, the same sources affirm that what the PP is living is terrible and that Paul married does not deserve the end he has had, left aside for the vast majority of his.

The Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, has indicated that he expects the Popular Party to close “as soon as possible” the “crisis caused by corruption” and get to “work” from the opposition and worry “truly” of the “main problems”
of citizenship in Spain.

After recognizing that she is “absolutely respectful” in any case by the internal processes of the different political parties, joy has reproached the PP that he intends to “give letter of naturalness to something that is absolutely denunciated as is corruption”;
While she has influenced Spain too “needs a game like the” strong “PP, which is” clean “, which” does not collect any shadow of corruption “, and stop” flirting “with the ultrarage.

“Then I hope they close as soon as possible this crisis provoked, and logically also what most worries me is that this crisis has been caused by corruption, an evil to give the PP for many years and that of course it is an attitude to which
You can not give a letter of nature, “he has pointed out media questions about the situation of the Popular Party during his visit this Wednesday to an educational center in Montehermoso (Cáceres).

The one who was General Director of Cordination of City Hall of Madrid, Angel Carromero, has been low as an affiliate of the PP, in the middle of the internal crisis, so he has stopped occupying his positions within the match in Madrid, according to they have reported
To Europe Press sources ‘popular’.

Carromero was president of the Electoral Committee and the District of the PP of Chamortín and despite the fact that his resignation of the town hall occurred on Thursday afternoon he still maintained his positions in the game.

His resignation of the position in the Madrid consistory took place the same day in which diverse information related to whom he was president of new generations of the PP with the alleged espionage to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, from the municipal company of
Housing and soil (EMVS).

The Second Vice President of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, has pronounced through his Twitter account on the internal crisis that the PP lives and on the departure of Pablo married after the alleged espionage to Isabel Díaz Ayuso.
“The policy is the best tool that the social majority has to defend the common good, but sometimes it shows a dark and cruel face. Despite all the differences with Pablo married, I wish you the best to Him and your family,” Ha

The President of the People’s Party of La Rioja, José Ignacio Ashtrahos, in reference to President Gallego, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, whom the voices of the party point as the person who relined Paul married at the head of the national PP, has affirmed that he thinks “Dar
The step forward “Something that” we are looking forward to most presidents and territorial organizations. ”

Ashtrays has attended the media in the Parliament of La Rioja, where a plenary session is being developed, to analyze the situation of its training at the national level.

He has said he has lived “with great concern” the crisis in the PP, which has made him “attend to numerous mayors and affiliates who were calling and trying to put serenity.”
“We are not used to what happened; I have been in the game for 40 years and I do not remember a crisis like this, perhaps in 1986, but it has nothing to do with this,” he added.
Now, already, after four or five days “there is a solution path that we are happy because it can be fixed.”

The First Vice President of the Government, Nadia Calviño, said on Wednesday that the crisis of the PP shows that the main party of the opposition “has a problem with the response to corruption” because Paul married, “with his mistakes, it seems that he has tried to separate
From a past of corruption and, however, it has been at the end expelled of the system. ”

In statements to Telecinco, Calviño said it is very important for the institutions of this country that “the PP truly fights against corruption and separates from this type of behavior that are so negative for the perception of citizens and for coexistence and the
Quality of our democracy “.

The Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation held that on Wednesday in the Control Session to the Government at Congress, during a question to President Pedro Sánchez, he has seen “a married man with a more institutional tone, with less crispiation and aggressiveness
what other occasions “.

The National Directorate of the PP sentenced the party leader in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, after the Catalan elections of 2020, but postponed his relay to avoid a new territorial front.
Now, with the exit of Teodoro García Aegea, he has a new opportunity to continue in front of the PPC.

Thus, various sources of Catalan PP consulted by EFE, who emphasize that the Under Secretary General of the Popular was the main detractor of Fernandez and the culprit of having put against the President of the Party, Pablo Married.

It was the married one who spacked the promotion of Fernandez within the PPC, after the Tarraconense was his worthwhile higher in Catalonia in the primaries that confronted Soraya Sáez de Santamaría in 2018.

Fernandez supported Married from the first moment, while other relevant figures of the PPC, such as Montserrat or Sánchez-Camacho Alícia, bet on María Dolores de Cospedal, and Xavier García Albiol did not take a game by married until the last minute.

The President of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has considered “all” in state policy they need a “strong PP” to deal with Vox, which is “a serious problem for this democracy.”

In a colloquium of the Forum Europa-Tribuna Euskadi, Ortuzar has affirmed that the crisis of the PP “is not only married fault”, but that in the PP and in Spanish politics the “personal hyperlidezos” over the acronym of the

In his opinion, if the PP had prioritized his acronyms on the personalisms when “Rajoy fell in those primary would not have imposed” the third, the least votes had “.

“Spanish politics is quite Cainita and all the parties are pivoting the image of a leader more than in political projects, we are the opposite and we defend the acronym,” he said.

The President of Government Balear, Francina Armengol, has affirmed that she is “absolutely enforceable” that her homolog of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, give “a clear explanation” on the contract that her brother benefited.

Asked about the crisis of the PP and the march of his leader, Pablo Married, the general secretary of the PSOE of Balearicians has expressed his “respect” before the “difficult moment” that crosses the main opposition party.

“It is necessary a solid opposition to have a good democracy,” said Armengol, who has set the emphasis on the importance that in the dispute between married and Ayuso clarifies “the use of public money” by the Madrid President.

The president of the Xunta and leader of the PPDEG, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has ignored the opposition attacks, PSDEG and BNG, to clarify whether he plans to lead to lead the match in Madrid and has limited himself to replicating that he does not “have to choose
Between Galicia and the PP “Because Galicia” always chose the PP. ”

In the control session to the Galician Government in the Plenary of Parliament, he has responded in this way to the leader of the opposition, Ana Belén Pontoon, who urged him directly to choose “Between Galicia and the PP” and to say if he seems “Acceptable
“The contract of the masks of the Community of Madrid or believes that it is a” new case of corruption of the PP “.

Núñez Feijóo has not responded to this issue or others raised by the opposition and to respond to the spokesman of PSDEG, Luis Álvarez, about his possible march to Madrid has said: “I am here.”

And has added: “You will understand that after 16 years of age talking about Madrid we are a bit boring on this matter,” because they are the ones who were sitting next to the Socialists, in reference to the Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, Exziputada.
AGE in the Autonomous Parliament, those who are in Madrid.

The fall of Antonio Hernández Stain is the most dramatic one reminding of a president of the Spanish right party.
Until now.
The defendation of the then president of AP-elected at an open Congress with something similar to the primaries between two lists – passed between conspiracies of tablecloths with good watered food with abundant wine.
His executor was Manuel Fraga and the final cannon that announced the political death of the leader consisted of a conference of José María Aznar at the 21st century club.
With several Fraga Broncas, in Spanish, Latin and in all languages, Hernández Mancha and Arturo García Tizón – which was the Teodoro García Aegea of the time – delivered the spoon and vanished.
So much they vanished, that the PP has organized exposures on the story of him in which Henández Stain never existed.

In the middle of those events, Miguel Herrero – historical reporter of the Spanish right – talked about himself as the “crocodile” of Job’s book, before which everyone trembles and running.
According to the journalist Graciano Palomo on the Flying of Halcón, the biography of José María Aznar, Herrero told Fraga: “I go on a boat that I do not drive.
And in it I habit a first class cabinet.
If he arrives at a good port, I will be one of the distinguished passengers.
If he sinks, as I am not the captain of the ship, I have experience, I can save me.
In addition, I practice crocodile role in times of crisis, and I think I can swim well in difficult water ».
[Read here the complete information]

The leader of the most Madrid, Mónica García, has insured this Wednesday that expanding this complaint is the way to verify what has happened with emergency contracts, not only of contracts linked to Diaz’s brother Ayuso, but also from Zendal Hospital.

This has been transferred to journalists at the doors of the prosecution, after yesterday the institution opened an investigation to elucidate if there are indications of crime in the contract for the purchase of masks at the beginning of the pandemic in China as the Community of Madrid
He awarded a company related to a brother of President Isabel Díaz Ayuso and who would have charged 55,000 euros.

“We add the contracts that we have denounced irregularities (…) a press sauce was made in which only two wheels have been made. In which there were 19-inch televisions worth eight thousand euros, when any of Madrid can
Access them for two thousand, “he said.

The leader of the PP, Pablo Married, has assured, at his farewell of the congress, who understands politics, “since the defense of the most noble principles and values”, such as “respect for adversaries and delivery to colleagues.”
“Everything to serve Spain and the cause of freedom,” he proclaimed him.

In the midst of the deep internal crisis that the party lives, and one day after it presented its resignation Teodoro García Aegea, his right hand on the PP, married has held his control question addressed to Pedro Sánchez and has taken advantage of his turn to do
A solemn intervention – which was written – away from the tension of other parliamentary duels with the head of the executive.

Married has begun his speech by remembering the coup d”a lived 41 years ago and has underlined that then they were able to “overcome the enmities and fractures with an exemplary constitutional pact.” Concord and reconciliation have guided the life of
All Spaniards in front of the rancor and anger, “he said.

“I understand the policy since the defense of the most noble principles and values, from respect for adversaries and delivery to colleagues. Everything to serve Spain and the cause of freedom because that is the future that our children deserve and that
We must build all together, “has finished married, reaping an applause of the popular group’s bench, with some positions on foot.

The Secretary General of CCOO, Unai deaf, has shown his surprise for the “rhythm and speed” with which the leader of the PP, Pablo Married, has lost support within the Party, and for the “intensity” with which ”
Economic, particularly media spaces, “have taken a match against him.

Deaf has urged the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to clarify how his brother, Tomás Díaz Ayuso, has been able to benefit from contracts awarded by his Government: “It is what will have to explain and what citizenship expects
“, has said.

In statements to journalists before participating in the National Council of CCOO of Catalonia, Deaf has underlined, however, that “it is very important to distinguish the category of the anecdote, being the anecdote very relevant.”

The Coordinator of Madrid and Vice Viceéda de la Capital, Begoña Villacís, has asserted that he hopes that “this PP disappears with this change”, because he understands that “the example of what happened with Ayuso” makes him think that “if they do this with his own
, what will not do with your partners. ”

This has been transferred in an interview in Esradio, where he recalled that yesterday in the municipal urged the PP to apologize “for inventing that CS negotiated the budgets behind him, and Igea demonstrated that it was a lie.”

Therefore, he has accused the ‘popular’ of “showing signs of short politics”.
“I hope this PP disappears with this change”, he has valued about the change of the National Directorate of the Popular Party.

President of Navarra’s PP and National Deputy Secretary of PP, Ana Beltrán, continues to show his support for Paul married in the open crisis in his party while Popular Navarre leaders have begun to join the request of an extraordinary Congress.

In an interview in the Cope chain, Beltrán, who arrived at the PP Management Committee for Pablo Married, he has confessed that he is living “stunned and deep pain” what for her is “a ruthless attack” against her president.
“Married is a good person, honest, with his faults and mistakes, but he has worked day and night for his party, who now leave him abandoning one by one I do not like it. It makes it look a part of the politics that I dislike”, Ha

“I will be at the end with my president and my loyalty with him I will continue to keep it. I will do it too with the next person who comes, but I am here for him and so he has to follow,” he has reiterated.

Ana Beltrán, who since the first moment has supported Pablo Married, is one of the people who this morning at the Congress of the Deputies has accompanied the PP leader when he has abandoned the session after his question to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

In his Twitter Beltran account he continues to show a photograph in which he appears with married and Teodoro García Aegea, who on Tuesday resigned as general secretary of the PP.

The supports were falling yesterday to Pablo married as the leaves of a tree in autumn.
Irremediable and melancholy, the PP president has checked that every time he had less, and less, and less possibilities to survive.
But even so, during a good part of this Giornata Partylare of Married Tuesday, he thought, “he transmitted him,” that he could still save his position at the forefront of the game, even though he was leaving him in a continuous dripping and.

“Sunken” personally but still tightening a light at the end of the tunnel, early in the morning Pablo Marriedo began to call the barons of his party. Those who spoke with him describe him as a leader with a breath of hope. That is, “out of reality”. And they regret-all the personal nightmare who is experiencing his friend. The leaders were called each other stunned as a boxer in the ninth assault. One of them did not endure more and broke to cry by telling him another one who had just speaking “with Paul.” And that he could not understand it. “He called me married and told me what I thought I was going to happen at the meeting. But what? They are not centered. They have lost their heads, they have lost their heads! “It relates a baron of those who govern, with the voice really alliquated. He referred to the meeting that is going to be produced today, at 8:00 pm, between the leader of the PP and the regional presidents. All, less La Navarra Ana Beltrán -A Sacor, number three of Genoa-, have confirmed that they will ask for their head. [Read here the complete information]

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has guaranteed that there will be no advance overall elections despite the crisis that the PP and who will be convened when appropriate, and has wished the popular leader, Pablo married, “The best personally”.

After the intervention of married at the Plenary of Congress, as a farewell and before leaving the Hemicycle, Sánchez has said that “this is a government with a sense of state” and will not make an electoral advance.

The leader of the PP, Pablo Married, has abandoned the Congress of the Deputies after asking his question as a farewell to Sánchez and respond to him the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, wishing you “the best”.
“Despite our confrontations, personally I wish you the best,” said Sánchez in a much more relaxed and calm tone than other days.
In addition, he has insisted that he will not provide the weakness of the PP.

Pablo Marriedo has received a sonorous and long applause of the Members of Congress with some of the ‘popular’ deputies on foot after his speech, which after the war open in the PP, could be the last one.
In the intervention of him married he recalled the anniversary of the state coup of 23-F and has taken advantage to remember the importance of “loyalty”.

The leader of the PP, Pablo Married, maintains for this Wednesday his weekly question to President Pedro Sánchez in Congress, on this occasion referred to the “assignments” that, in his opinion, makes the Government to his independence partners to continue in the
Palace of the Moncloa.

In the midst of a serious internal crisis in the Party and with a good part of the leaders of the PP asking for an extraordinary congress, married has not changed its parliamentary plans and this Tuesday maintained the anticipation of debating with Sánchez in the control session.

“How much more are you willing to give in to its independence partners to continue in the Moncloa?”, Reza the question recorded by married for the president of the government and who is maintained on the agenda of this Wednesday.

Now, as is usually usual, these rifirarafes between the president of the government and the first leader of the opposition will end up deriving in other topical matters, and it is not ruled out that Sánchez takes the internal crisis open in the PP between the marriage himself and the
President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

Representatives of more Madrid, United We can and the PSOE of the Regional Parliament will expand this Wednesday the documentation delivered in the Prosecutor’s Office related to the Brother of the Regional President, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

At the press conference after the meeting of the board of spokesperson held yesterday, the United States spokeswoman, Carolina Alonso, explained that today will expand allegations on this matter and pointed out that an external audit on contracts will also be required to be carried out.
of urgency performed during the pandemic.

He recalled that we can already have been this issue for three months to the Regional Parliament and asked Ayuso about his brother’s contracts.
Likewise, he asked that Ayuso teach the “original contract” of his brother and that the regional president appeals to talk about this matter.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo is seen as President of the PP.
The barons that have spoken with him have no doubt that this time he will take the step and that he will take the bird to Madrid to replace Paul married.
In fact, they will tell you to the party leader at the meeting that will keep at 8:00 p.m.
All regional presidents want the Galician Capitanee a candidacy of unity in Congress.
“Only he can save the game,” coincide, one by one.

That is why Feijóo has already begun to plan how the transition in the PP will be, according to the world of various sources that have spoken with him in recent days.
Both the baron and the team of him have already drawn the first steps he will have to give when married announced the resignation of him.
The main one will be named an internal spokescoat.
“It has been discussed among several and a provisional spokesperson would be put.”
And, in addition, we are already wearing the appointment of another possible position.
The possibility is an interim organic leader, to the Extraordinary Congress, which would be held at the beginning of March.
[Read here the complete information]

The former Secretary General of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Aegea, has assured that “he believes” the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in relation to the explanations he has given on the mask contract linked to his brother and has
Insisted that he hopes that the documentation that Ayuso contributes will serve for the anti-corruption prosecutor to file the case.

“I believe myself to the president of the community and desire and I hope that all the information is false,” he said on Tuesday in an interview on the sixth, hours after having presented his resignation in the middle of the deep internal crisis that crosses the match.

In the same line, he has argued that he believes in the presumption of innocence of all the militants of the Popular Party and who is confident that the information “is not true”.
“I think the explanations are satisfactory, if they are explained how they explained on Friday, it does not have to be any problem,” she said.

The team of the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, considers that the until now General Secretary of the PP Teodoro García Aegea “has resigned for spying” and “by falsehood”, as they have indicated to Europe Press sources of the Madrid government.

In an interview on the sixth, shortly after presenting his resignation after a talk with Pablo Married, García Aegea has rejected from plane that the National Directorate of the PP has investigated Ayuso and his family.
“He has falsely accused of espionage, something false,” he said.

In addition, García Aegea has underlined that “they have not done anything bad” and has justified the request for explanations to Isabel Díaz Ayuso on the health contract that affects his brother asking if we have to “pull the trash” when that information comes to you or
Ask clarification.

However, from the environment of the Madrid President, no credibility has been given to the refusal of the Dome of PP and García Aegea tonight.
“She has resigned for spying. She has resigned by falsehood,” have pointed out sources from the Madrid President, who these days have publicly affirmed that what has happened in the PP could not “leave for free”.