The noise of more than 70 fighters of combat from eight countries in the broader international exercise in the history of Israel contrasts with the official silence on the possible return of the Israeli military option to frustrate the Iranian nuclear plan.
After four years, the Air Force has decided to return to specific training to be ready if the order of acting on the so-called “third circle” arrives.

“This aerial maneuver, prepared for a year, does not focus on Iran or has to do with specific challenges,” clarifies a high Israeli command to the world at the Southern Air Base Ovda a few days after the fifth edition of Blue FAG
Eight armies, under the observation of another eight, rehearse flight scenarios against air-air and land missiles, coordinate the action of aircraft of different types and generation and complete mutual learning of pilots with different ways and ways of acting.
Of all of them, the Israeli pilots know that, if the diplomatic way of the powers against Tehran will fail, they will be those who receive the slogan of the mission against nuclear power plants in Iran.

Reluiting the letter of an eventual attack, the Israeli dome raises the pressure before the advance of uranium enrichment of Iran, which has been significantly accelerated after the US abandonment of the nuclear agreement in 2018 and the absence of a new covenant.

Two recent information from Israeli channel 12, not officially denied, point to this address.
On the one hand, the Air Force returns to train a bombing of Iranian nuclear facilities that, being as diversified, underground and armored, is a much more complex challenge than that destroyed the reactor of Iraq (1981) and Syria (2007)
On the other, the approval of 1,300 million euros of the budget (both from the assigned defense and the general to approve before November 14 at the Knésset) dedicated basically to the Air Army to acquire more weapons and intelligence systems on the nuclear project
Filters that can be interpreted as a path of pressure to the powers to carry Tehran to a stricter agreement than the 2015.

In a message on Twitter in Persian, Hebrew, English and Arabic, the Supreme Security Council secretary of Iran, Ali Shamkhani, replied: “Instead of assigning a budget of 1,500 million dollars for atrocities against Iran, the Zionist regime
It should focus on providing tens of thousands of billions of dollars in funds to repair the damage it will cause Iran’s impressive response. ”
If Tehran denounces that his enemy is the only one with nuclear potential in the Middle East, Israeli leadership sees as “existential threat” that unconventional weapons are in the hands of a country that asks for the destruction of Israel.

Meanwhile, the only thing that hits in the Néguev desert is the sun and sound of dozens of US fighters (F-16), Israel, (F-35, F-15 and F-16), Great Britain and Germany (
Eurofighters), Italy (F-35), India (Mirage 2000), France (Rafale) and Greece (F-16) in the most sophisticated international maneuver in Israeli airspace.

“Blue FAG has a strategic importance for Israel and especially for the Air Force. The objective is to improve capacities and cooperation. It is not easy to combine so many aircraft from different countries,” says Brigade General, love Lazar, which highlights the
Presence of British pilots for the first time since his country abandoned this area before the Declaration of Independence of Israel and the war with the Arab countries in 1948.

“In Blue Fag, we do not train against anyone or rehearsed any specific scenario but we learn from each other. Flying together with pilots from other countries is an experience that brings us a lot to everyone,” says the world the Indian pilot Dhillon before a row of
F-16 on a day open to the press at the Israeli base.

Greece participated in the first Blue Flag in 2013. On this occasion, he has sent four fighters led by Lieutenant Colonel Greek Dimitrios Papageorgiou who has been in the Air Force almost 30 years.
“In this exercise, we seek to achieve the combination of the fourth and fifth generation of fighters and at the same time exchanging knowledge to improve our flight tactics,” he says.

The Néguev is ideal for this type of exercise as it covers 60% of the Israeli territory and only brings together 10% of the population.
The fighters that appear in the Hangars separated by nationality need only three minutes to reach the maneuvering area while in other countries they must fly much longer to start the practice.

At the base of Ovda, 50 minutes from Eilat, the German presence stands out.
A week ago and for the first time the head of Luftwaffe, Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz and that of his Israeli counterpart, Major General Amikam Norkin flew over the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem.
In August 2020, they led a tribute flight on the Dachau concentration camp and on the site where 11 Israeli athletes were killed in the attack of the Munich Games in 1972. “From the memory of the darkness of the past, we take a commitment
Shared with the future, “Norkin proclaimed, which Monday has been the host of the head of the Air Force of the United Arab Emirates, Ibrahim Nasser Mohammed Al-Alawi, on his first visit to Israel.
The presence of him, defined by Israeli as “historical”, is the result of the Relationship Standardization Agreement of 2020. And a message to Tehran.

When Norkin leaves his charge in the coming months, he will deliver to his successor Tomer Bar not only more sophisticated F-35 but also the red point map that signals threats from Iran through his militias and arsenal in Syria (frequently attacked
by Israeli fighters), Hizbula in Lebanon and Hamas and Yihad in Gaza.
Although the most difficult examination of him, at the theoretical moment, is the Iranian nuclear project.

“Israel does not want a war with Iran but will not allow it to have nuclear weapons. Given the progress on its nuclear project, we prepare all the options and scenarios, including military capabilities,” he warned a few days ago an officer who pointed out one another
Important challenge The use of Iran drones “in attacks by air, land and sea”.