Before the National Assembly, the Prime Minister promised “the greatest firmness to all those who would like to use this conflict as a pretext for anti-Semitism”. “We will not tolerate any anti-Semitic act or remarks in France,” declared Elisabeth Borne on Tuesday October 10, after the unprecedented attack carried out against Israel by the Palestinian Islamist organization Hamas.

She assured that France stood alongside the Jewish community, which has celebrated several holidays since the start of the Jewish new year in mid-September: “We are with you. To attack you is to attack the entire Republic. »

Around twenty “anti-Semitic acts” have been noted in France since the attack on Israel by Hamas on Saturday, ranging from threatening remarks “against Jews and Israel to the deployment of banners in support of the Palestinians,” the minister noted on Monday. from the inside, Gérald Darmanin. He asked the prefects to strengthen the security of Jewish community places.

“No euros of French aid” to a “terrorist organization”

The Hamas attack is “a terrorist attack, committed by a terrorist group,” insisted Ms. Borne, looking at the group of deputies from La France insoumise, widely criticized for their position, considered too ambiguous on the conflict. She again found it “shocking and distressing to hear dissonant voices even on these benches.”

“The unimaginable barbarity and level of violence remind us of the worst moments of our fight against ISIS. Those who supported, financed and armed Hamas fell, with it, into ignominy,” she added.

The government also claimed to be “extremely vigilant to ensure that no euro of French aid” goes to a “terrorist organization”, even if it said it was unfavorable to a “suspension” of money “which directly benefits the Palestinian populations.”

“I am not ignoring the questions about our humanitarian aid,” declared Elisabeth Borne. “Our aid is paid to UN organizations on site, which act directly for access to water, food security, health or education,” added the Prime Minister. “We are extremely vigilant to ensure that no euro of French aid reaches any terrorist organization, neither in Gaza nor elsewhere. »

This conflict is a “trauma that takes us back fifty years,” noted the head of government, whose father, of Jewish faith, never recovered from the deportation and ended his life when his daughter was 11 years old. The Prime Minister was applauded at the end of her speech on all benches, except those of LFI and the National Rally.