Israeli forces have arrested a Palestinian in the occupied West Bank, the alleged perpetrator of the shooting attack that wounded two in Jerusalem on Tuesday, an Israeli army spokesman said amid an escalation in the conflict.

During a night operation in Nablus, a city in the north of the West Bank that several Palestinian militias use as a stronghold, the Israeli police and military forces “detained in a few minutes the terrorist who perpetrated the shooting in Jerusalem,” said the military spokesman, who assured that “the terrorist is a minor”.

On Tuesday, two Israeli men were wounded in a shooting in the Sheikh Yarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, where nationalist Jews have tried to evict Palestinian residents in legal battles for decades.

This struggle that fuels the aggressions between them and even favored the eleven-day conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip in May 2021.

According to the Army, the perpetrator of Tuesday’s attack is a resident of Nablus, where new Palestinian resistance militias have emerged in the last year, such as the Lions’ Den, which brings together young people who do not obey traditional groups or a political tendency. in particular.

Israeli authorities immediately called Tuesday’s shooting a “terrorist attack,” as they often refer to attacks by Palestinians against Israelis for nationalist reasons.

In addition to Nablus, the Israeli army also raided the Jenin refugee camp, another militia stronghold in the northern West Bank, Tuesday afternoon, capturing three Palestinians “suspected of promoting significant terrorist activities.”

The detainees were identified as Karem Ala Adin Ibrahim Ahmad, Ahmad Muhamed Ahmad Jaradat and Amjad Muhamed Ahmad Jaradat, whom Israel accuses of being recently involved in “attacks involving shooting, (activity related to) explosive devices and promoting further terrorist attacks.” .

During the operation in Jenin, “armed men fired and threw explosive devices at the Israeli forces, who responded with live fire,” said the Army spokesman, who did not record injuries among his troops.

On the Palestinian side, eight people were wounded by bullets, according to the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian National Authority.

Among them is a 68-year-old woman and a paramedic, as the Israeli forces even opened fire on the ambulance of the Red Crescent emergency service, which was unable to access the wounded, denounced the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

These incidents occur in the midst of a high-tension environment in the area.

On the same Tuesday, the Israel Police arrested a Palestinian who allegedly tried to seize the weapon from one of its officers at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank, and on Monday, a Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli at the entrance of a Jewish settlement, also in the West Bank.

These attacks by Palestinians, coupled with violent army raids in the West Bank, attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinians, and clashes by Israeli forces against Muslims at their holy sites, have exacerbated violence in the area.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is experiencing one of its deadliest years. So far in 2023, 98 Palestinians have been killed, most of them militants in violent clashes with Israeli troops, but also civilians, including 18 minors; while on the Israeli side, 19 civilians have died, most of them settlers, and among them three minors.

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