The Civil Guard places the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, in the management in the shadow of Democratic Tsunami, in a report included in the secret case that is being investigated in the National Court for the serious disturbances that arose in the mobilizations of the platform pro-independence after hearing the verdict of the trial.

As El Confidencial has advanced and sources familiar with the investigations have confirmed to Europa Press, the Armed Institute places Rovira and other members of ERC in the organization of what appeared to be a spontaneous citizen movement. Investigators have managed to identify the pro-independence parties and entities that would have orchestrated the actions of Tsunami Democràtic, with Rovira at the head of the political structure.

This scenario would complicate Rovira’s judicial horizon, which had been cleared after the elimination of sedition. After reviewing his prosecution for 1-O in light of the penal reform, Supreme Court (TS) magistrate Pablo Llarena changed that crime to disobedience, punishable only by a fine and disqualification -not jail-, which paved the way for his return to Spain from Switzerland, where he fled.

The Central Court of Instruction Number 6, in charge of Manuel García Castellón, began to investigate Tsunami Democrátic in 2019 with the aim of clarifying who was behind it and what their sources of financing were.

Since then, the case has remained secret, a matter that the Catalan businessman Oriol Soler, one of those investigated, has taken to the Constitutional Court via an appeal for protection to lift the secrecy of the summary.

One of the issues on which the magnifying glass was placed at the time was that Tsunami Democràtic used a mobile application for its protest actions, including the attempted assault on the El Prat airport, the cut of the Jonquera border or the repeated protests with barricades in front of the Police Headquarters in Vía Layetana.

García Castellón added part of Voloh to this secret case, another case where the Investigating Court Number 1 of Barcelona, ​​directed by Joaquín Aguirre, investigates the alleged diversion of public funds to finance the independence process.

The link between the two cases would be the former ERC minister Xavier Vendrell, who was arrested in the framework of Voloh, and to whom Judge Aguirre attributes “the activity of management and direct participation” in the actions of Tsunami Democràtic during the fall of 2019 .

Specifically, the instructor specified in the entry and registration order that Vendrell said he would send “people to protect Plaza Urquinaona”, he referred to the protests around the Camp Nou and on the highway and asked not to hold demonstrations only in Barcelona .

In addition, for the head of the Barcelona court, “the presumption is reached that Vendrell not only participates in the Tsunami movement, but also gives instructions on the actions to be carried out.”

Sources of the investigation consulted by Europa Press recall that in 2020, a year after the serious disturbances due to the sentence of the process, the Civil Guard collected in reports sent to the judge of Voloh the telephone conversations in which the alleged leaders used nicknames to treat to hinder police investigations.

Rovira was mentioned by the nickname Matagalls and the wiretaps also served to identify Mandela, the alias by which Marta Molina was known, another ERC leader allegedly linked to Tsunami Democràtic and the protests surrounding a soccer match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid in Barcelona.

These reports also spoke of the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont with the nickname of Pelomocho and cited meetings with Xavier Vinyals -president of the Pro Selections Platform, one of the entities through which public funds would have been diverted- with Canalla, Code name of businessman Josep Campmajó.

According to the cited sources, the Civil Guard also includes Vendrell, known as Índigo, and Soler, alias Rigoberto, in the core of Democratic Tsunami.

The serious riots staged by Tsunami Democràtic in response to the sentence that condemned the leaders of the ‘procés’ promoters of the 1-O referendum led to the investigation of a meeting in Geneva in August 2019 in which Puigdemont and Anna Gabriel participated, former deputy of the CUP.

The investigation, according to the aforementioned sources, focused initially on the preponderant role of Puigdemont and leaders of the CUP, but the development of the judicial proceedings would have highlighted the leadership of Rovira and other ERC leaders.

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