The Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday the salary increase agreed with the associations of judges and prosecutors last May. The Executive will allocate 46.7 million euros to the salary of the judicial and fiscal career. This is a linear salary increase of 440 euros per month for magistrates of collegiate bodies and 450 euros for those of single-person bodies.

Despite the unrest among judges and prosecutors due to the delay in approving the agreement in recent weeks, the associations of judges and prosecutors have issued a statement this afternoon where they “are pleased that the Government has taken this step, necessary to reinforce the trust and good faith that, from the first moment of the negotiations and despite the logical tensions inherent to any process of this nature, has presided over its entire development.”

“We want to highlight the importance that, in our opinion, is the fact that a salary improvement has been achieved without having to resort to conflict measures that, with all certainty, would have resulted in enormous harm to citizens, in a year especially difficult in the area of ​​the Administration of Justice”, they emphasize in relation to the indefinite strike that was called off within the framework of the negotiations held with the Ministries of Justice and Finance.

Judges and prosecutors emphasize that the agreement reached on May 23, 2023, apart from the salary increase of which there are still two more tranches to materialize, “provides for other measures that we consider of capital importance. Among them, the increase in positions for judges and prosecutors in the next calls and the creation of preparatory working groups for the next meeting of the negotiating table, scheduled for May 2024, and whose constitution we finally asked the Treasury and Justice a few days ago.

The associations of judges and prosecutors demanded that the acting Executive on September 12 comply with the salary increase of about 450 euros per month that they agreed upon in May within the framework of the remuneration table to avoid the indefinite strike and warned that they would take “measures” to ensure that what was agreed was carried out.

The LAJ spoke in the same sense last July, when they formally demanded that the Government comply with the agreement reached in March – which contemplated, among other things, a salary increase of up to 450 euros per month – to end the indefinite strike that they maintained. during three months.