Justine Benin (Secretary of State for Sea) was defeated in Saturday’s second round of legislative elections in Guadeloupe’s 2nd constituency. Christian Baptiste (DVG) won 41.35% of votes. Nupes, who received 58.65%, won Nupes.

Justine Benin (outgoing MP) played her part in the government’s election. Before the vote, the executive reminded that the minister candidate must leave government in the event of failure to win the legislative elections. This was according to an unwritten rule which was first applied by Emmanuel Macron in 2017.

Justine Benin, who was asked about her future in government after RCI radio’s failure to interview her on Saturday evening, said that she had not received an answer and that it should be fixed. Until monday “.

Christian Baptiste stated for his part in local media that the “interest of Guadeloupe does not remain in a vertical, brutal policy of Emmanuel Macron.”

The alliance of left-wing party Nupes supported three of the four Guadeloupe deputies elected – Olivier Serva and Christian Baptiste – during this election. This election was marked by a strong abstention with less that 28.23% participation, compared to 30.65% in 2017.

Olivier Serva (ex-LREM) was elected as the outgoing deputy in the first constituency. He was supported by LFI for round 2. He plans to establish “an overseas group at the National Assembly” as well as “defend reinstatement of suspended caregivers”.

Rody Tolassy of the National Rally was not elected to the third constituency. This was because Marine Le Pen had just won her highest score (nearly 70%) in the archipelago during the second round.

According to local media, Max Mathiasin won the second round with about 1,000 votes. This was due to “a local republican coalition”. Local media hailed the mobilization by “a front of Guadeloupeans” as the victory.

With 100% of votes cast, Elie Califer was elected mayor (PS) in the fourth constituency. After Marie-Luce Penchard’s withdrawal, he was the only candidate left.