King Don Juan Carlos accuses the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court of “Completing his presumption of innocence” by maintaining that he has kneaded his hidden fortune through the collection of international business commissions.
The monarch, through his lawyer Javier Sánchez Junco, has issued a statement, who has had access to the world, in which he assures that the report prepared by the Supreme Fiscal Lieutenant, Juan Ignacio Campos, last February and
that he referred to the Swiss judicial authorities, revealed today exclusively by this newspaper, “contains serious affirmations and imputations of behaviors that are carried out, in our opinion, without any support and are lacking in the slightest justification”.

Moreover, it emphasizes that these affirmations “are contradicted by other facts of which nothing is said.”
“For this,” he adds, “such assertions, the principle of presumption of innocence that covers every citizen and is transferred to public opinion and considerations that seriously harm SM King D. Juan Carlos, who is submitted
to an investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office for more than a year. ”

Likewise, the leratory of the monarch reproaches the Public Prosecutor’s Office that has transcended the content of the Rogeratic Commission sent to the Helvétic authorities last February: “Said request for judicial assistance is not public. Thus, except for the target authorities of the same
, it should only be known to the Prosecutor’s Office, whose actions are reserved, without the record, they have been communicated to any part. ”

The world has revealed this Friday that the Fiscal Lieutenant of the High Court Juan Ignacio Campos sent a request for international legal cooperation to the Procurator of Geneva Yves Beosta where he argues that Juan Carlos I harassed his fortune through the collection of “commissions and other benefits of similar character
By virtue of its intermediation in international business businesses. ”

In the aforementioned document, which work in the power of this newspaper, the Prosecutor’s Office states that the facts by which emeritus is being investigated could be constitutive of capital bleaching crimes, against public treasury, bribery and influence trafficking.

Specifically, Lieutenant Fields requested on February 24 to the Swiss Federal Justice Office that sent him the information of all accounts in the country of the Zagatka Foundation between the 2016 and 2019 exercises. This entity, owned by Álvaro de
Orleans, Primo del Emeritus, has been paid during the last years personal expenses of Don Juan Carlos through open deposits in financial institutions such as Credit Suisse or Lombard Odier, and stars one of the three open research diligences by the Prosecutor’s Office

The publication of the Prosecutor’s letter has coincided with the audience of Felipe VI to Dolores Delgado, who has given him the annual report of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

Sources from Casa Real have avoided to pronounce on the information published by the world, unlocking once again the private figure of Don Juan Carlos of the Institution.
“Those who had to be pronounced” have already said “said the king’s house.