Bolivia has become the first Latin American country to announce the breaking of diplomatic relations with Israel, in the context of the war with Hamas, while Chile has recalled its ambassador for consultations.

The decision of the Government of La Paz, announced on Tuesday, came “in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive being carried out in the Gaza Strip,” said the vice chancellor, Fredy Mamani.

Bolivia considers that the actions of the Israeli Government are a “threat to international peace and security.”

Hours earlier, President Luis Arce had spoken of “war crimes” by Israel. “We cannot remain silent and continue allowing the suffering of Palestinians, especially boys and girls who have the right to live in peace.”

Bolivia’s decision was followed, shortly after, by Chile’s announcement that it was recalling its ambassador in Tel Aviv for consultations. “The State of Israel led by Netanyahu wounds or murders 420 children daily. Nothing justifies this barbarity in Gaza, nothing,” President Gabriel Boric said emphatically on the social network X.

The Chilean head of state justified the decision in the “violations of fundamental norms of international law” by Tel Aviv.

Chile has a thriving and influential Palestinian community. In September 2022, Boric canceled his presence at the last minute at the presentation of credentials of the new Israeli ambassador in protest against the murder of a 17-year-old Palestinian boy in the West Bank.