They are Raphaelle Loic, Noe and Loic, and they are running to be legislators. They are all younger than 25. Although they are very rare, only 10% of 6,293 candidates running on June 12, 19 are aged between 18-30 years. Young candidates are a significant challenge for the parties. They represent the renewal of democracy and should help diversify the National Assembly. In 2017, the average age of the elected Chamber was 51 years. But are they likely to win?

Raphaelle Rosa admits that she doesn’t believe too much, that it will be difficult, but she will continue to campaign. After joining a group high school students who supported Valerie Pecresse, the young woman, who was 18 when she turned 18, won the nomination for the Les Republicains party (LR) in the 8th District of Moselle.

According to polls, the formation, which has a shortage in candidates due to its low presidential score of 4.8%, should get between 30 and 55 seats at the Assembly. Raphaelle Rosa shouldn’t be included in it. Laurent Jacobelli is the preferred candidate for his constituency.

The same observation was made for Noe Petit who, at 18 years old, was invested by Europe Ecologie-Les Verts in the third district of Loir-et-Cher under the banners of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union Nupes. The constituency’s other environmental activists designated Petit to represent the union left because he is against the concreting soils in Mer. The young man recalls that everyone turned to him when they were trying to decide who should run for the position. “I was selected quite naturally,” he said.

The downside is that the left will not win this historically right constituency. Yannick Jadot, an ecologist, won 4% and Jean-Luc Melenchon (15.9%) the other. This is far less than Marine Le Pen (28.5%) or Emmanuel Macron (29.9%). Noe Petit is still hopeful that his name will be on the ballots on June 17. “The polls give you 1 point in round two and the activists over-motivated. I’m certain we have our chance.

Loic Terrenes, the youngest candidate on the side of the presidential majority, is the one who served as the youngest at the peak of his 25-years. The young man will be facing Hubert Julien Laferriere in the 2nd District of the Rhone. He was invested by La Republique en Marche in 2017. Loic, who is a former “young man with Macron”, claims that he has the listening skills and coherence to his project. However, Loic may not win. Jean-Luc Melenchon, a former “young person with Macron” in his constituency, won 34% of votes in the first round. Emmanuel Macron received 30.8%.

Laurent Lardeux is a research fellow at The National Institute of Youth and Popular Education. He says that being young, being a woman, or both, greatly increases the difficulty of accessing political mandates. According to the specialist, who had previously studied young French mayors (“Young and Already Mayors”), he noted that young people are often referred to as “their age,” referring to their incompetence, inexperience, arrogance, and incompetence. Noe Petit’s prejudices were confirmed by the MP for his constituency. “Rather than answering with political arguments, he attacks my youth. Although I can pass it, it is very condescending and paternalistic, and does not contribute to the public discussion.

Laurent Lardeux says that the nomination of young candidates would be a communication issue for parties and a guarantee to modernity. Laurent Lardeux says: “The parties understand the interest in presenting young people, in particular to give the impression of renewal in political life without being prepared to give real places.

The virtual absence of representation for 18-25-year-olds in politics (in the National Assembly, Victor Habert Dassault is the youngest deputy) could have implications on young people abstaining. According to the researcher, “Not necessarily.” According to him, it is possible for the candidates to choose the same themes that can mobilize young voters, regardless of their age. Bernie Sanders was the American candidate that mobilized the most young voters during the Democratic primary in the United States. He was also the oldest contestant. He says that it would appear that the themes and the political stake are more important than what the candidate represents.

Many young French citizens voted for Jean-Luc Melenchon as the dean of the presidential elections. However, 36% of those aged 18-24 voted for Jean-Luc Melenchon. This under-representation is what has driven certain initiatives. The creation of the Allons children political party. This party has the principle that candidates under 30 years old are not allowed to stand in elections. It was created to “renew politics” to allow young people to decide their future. A challenge.