Journalist Cristina López Schlichting, one of the most recognized voices of Cope, revealed this weekend the reason for her long month of absence. A family drama that has kept him away from the microphones while her 32-year-old son fought for her life.

“My dear friends, exactly a month ago a train ran over my life,” he began narrating in his usual monologue. “For an entire month, since last December 5, one of my children has been between life and death. Literally. Since then I have met several parents who have lost their children and I can assure you that it is easier to prepare for one’s own death than to assist helplessly at the death of someone who, by natural rule, must succeed you,” he continued.

In an exciting message, López Schlichting has revealed many details of what happened while thanking, again and again, the doctors who have treated his son.

“For completely fortuitous reasons, as usually happens in most accidents, my son ended up in an ICU, an Intensive Care Unit, in a social security hospital, La Princesa in Madrid. In my life I have seen a spectacle similar. Dozens of doctors fighting tooth and nail for a 32-year-old boy who was sentenced. Broken skull, bleeding in the liver, burst lungs, fractured hips. Five years ago death would have been inevitable. And there you see the magnificent human intelligence, gift from God, in an exercise in acrobatics, imagining ways to steal from death what it wanted to take,” the announcer noted.

“In my life, I insist, I have seen nothing like it. They did not know my son, they did not know this poor announcer, and yet a battalion of professionals responded to one, giving a name to this. The name is civilization. A space and a time where the life of a human being is precious. My son could not be turned over, as was done with covid patients, because his bones were broken, so he was placed on a swing bed to move him from side to side. side, in an unthinkable acrobatics that stretched his broken lungs. His head could not be operated on and a probe was placed to measure intracranial pressure. All the imagination in the world to take from the Grim Reaper what he was determined to take from us,” he continued. his monologue.

During her message, the journalist also did not forget to thank all her colleagues, who have shown her total support in recent weeks. “In Cope, a very delicate silence and total support have allowed me a month of absence,” she assured before citing all her names as well as those of the health workers.

Subsequently, Cristina López Schlichting thanked her again on her social networks for the support she felt in such difficult times. A support that the audience has also given her when they know the painful reason for her absence.

“I take away from this path that has only just begun, indelible lessons of intelligence, prudence and courage. Of affection and solidarity, of faith. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I ask heaven, on this Three Kings Day, to be lives up to this gift,” he concludes his monologue.