Actors, writers, journalists, union representatives… Two hundred and one personalities are calling to demonstrate, on January 21, against the promulgation of the “immigration” law, denouncing a “dangerous turning point in our Republic”, in a column published on Sunday January 7 by L ‘Humanité and Mediapart.

Among the signatories are actresses Josiane Balasko and Julie Gayet, writers Nicolas Mathieu and Alice Zeniter, comedian Guillaume Meurice, trade unionists Marylise Léon (CFDT) and Sophie Binet (CGT). They castigate a law “drafted under the dictation of hate mongers who dream of imposing their project of “national preference” on France.”

“Caring for unity and solidarity rather than endless division of our society, we ask the President of the Republic not to promulgate this law,” concludes the forum.

Consecration of “national priority”

Several associations defending undocumented immigrants have already launched a call for mobilization on January 14.

On France Inter, Marylise Léon, general secretary of the CFDT, considered that it was “an important moment in the political history of this country”. “We are at a turning point, far-right ideas are adopted in the National Assembly in a law which denies the humanist values ​​that we defend at the CFDT”, she said on the microphone of the program “Questions policies”, on France Inter.

Adopted by Parliament, the “immigration” bill notably restricts the payment of social benefits for foreigners, establishes migration quotas, calls into question the automaticity of land law and reestablishes an “illegal residence offense”.

This text, which caused an open crisis within the presidential majority, was voted for by the National Rally which saw it as a consecration of “the national priority” that it defends. Voted on December 19, 2023, it includes, according to the executive itself, several measures likely to be censored by the Constitutional Council. Seized by the President of the Republic, but also by the left-wing opposition, the nine constitutional judges must rule by the end of January on its compliance.