The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, raised today to make “a pause” in relations with the Government of Spain, and also with companies, in order to improve them.

“It’s worth more to give us a while, pause. Maybe when the government changes (the Mexican), relations are restored,” said the president during his morning press conference.

López Obrador said that both countries must take a while to respect and that the Government of Spain does not see Mexico as a “land of conquest”.

“We want to have good relationships, but we do not want to be robbed,” said the president.

“It is the case of Spanish companies, if now it is not good the relationship and I would like you to take ourselves to normalize, to pause, that I think it will agree to Mexicans and the Spaniards, from
Then to the people of Mexico and the people of Spain, “he said.

He affirmed that there was a “up-secondary, economic, political promiscuity, in the dome of the Governments of Mexico and Spain,” during some “three sex in followed,” he said.

He assured that in this case, Mexico was the one who carried the “worst part” because “they looted us”.
“Then, it’s worth a while, a pause,” she reiterated.

As on other occasions, the President made these statements as he remembered alleged acts of corruption from Spanish companies during previous governments.

In particular, it appointed companies in the energy and construction sector that made contracts with the administrations of Vicente Fox (2000-2006), Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) and Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018).

In reiterated occasions López Obrador has criticized the refusal of Spain to offer apologies to the indigenous peoples of Mexico by the abuses committed during the conquest as he asked for 2021, when it commemorated 500 years of ephemeride, renamed as “indigenous resistance”.

But the president has also accused Spanish companies to still see Mexico as “land of conquest and looting”, particularly after the 2013 energy reform that opened the sector to private people.