Discover what is the best music for driving

The music is a key element in travelling in the car. The old “cartridges” and “tapes” have been replaced in the present for radio stations in FM or DAB , and, above all, by the playlists, and mobile applications.

In any case, a group succeeds above all among the preferences of the europeans to the time of travel by road, according to the study conducted by Avis between more than 14,000 drivers . It is Queen with your “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “We Will Rock you” is positioned as the best songs for driving.

The cations preferred for driving in Europe and Spain – AVIS

The heavy-rock of Bon Jovi and Led Zeppelin classics as “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor, “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd or “Ticket to Ride” from Beatles bind to most recent successes of Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake or Rihanna to create the soundtrack ultimate road trips.

In Spain, only Loquillo y los Trogloditas they sneak in their own right with their “Cadillac Solitario” as the only song in Spanish in a Top 10 packed with hits international.