The truth of Casanova: the hero of the secesionismo was in fact a patriot Spanish

The Story does not have colors; or should not. Every 11 September, however, the Catalan nationalism insists in the use of the form concerned and torticera the anniversary of the fall of Barcelona to the troops borbóniocas led by Duke of Berwick ; an event that put an end to the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714 . The result is a national Day held in mimbres historical not as flimsy, but non-existent.

Year after year, on this day is done, for example, a floral offering in honor of Rafael Casanova, which is used as a myth secessionist despite the fact that, according to his family, was a firm ” patriot “. Like this many other. Although, perhaps, the most bloody is the one that states that (as you can read on the website of the Generalitat), “Catalulña feared that a monarchy headed by Philip V , of mood absolutist, ran into the political organization Catalan court and parliamentary pact-based “.

The discloser historical, researcher and philosopher, Pedro Insua is not of the same opinion. As stated in statements to ABC, the reality is that, on that September 11 of 1714, was saved at the Catalonia of the Generalitat ending with the despotism of the oligarchies. It is also contrary to the idea-widespread nationalism – which asserts that the Decrees of New Plant (created by Philip V after taking the Barcelona ) were intended to punish the region. For he, by contrast, were laws that sought no reprisals. Knows well of what he speaks, as analyzed in a broad way these myths in “1492. Spain against their ghosts” (Ariel, 2018).

– How has perverted the nationalism the story of what happened the 11 of September of 1714?

It has been misrepresented completely. Part of a vision completely false in the way that Catalonia is seen as a political society, independent thing that has ever been, which is invaded by Spain, when Catalonia was, and remains, a part among others. It was a region that was involved, as the rest of Spain, in a conflict of civil war by a problem of succession to the throne to be this vacant following the death of Charles II. Philip of Anjou and Archduke Charles became the major contenders to occupy it, leaving Spain split in austracistas, supporters of the archduke, and felipistas, supporters of the Bourbon Philip of Anjou (grandson of Louis XIV). In fact, in Barcelona the archduke Carlos will be proclaimed “Carlos III”, king of Spain: king of Spain, we insist, never “of Catalonia” (in the name of which, by the way, the English took Gibraltar).

– what Was Casanova a mentality secessionist?

In all, the municipal edict by which instigaba to the struggle against the supporters of Philip speaks of the maintenance of the freedom of “Spain”, not of Catalonia, to the extent that, thought the austracistas, Bourbon French would enter Barcelona which elephant in a china shop as they did with the crisis of 1640, when the troops of Louis XIII, entered Catalonia with blood and fire.

-The web page of the Generalitat defines Catalonia in 1714 as an organization, pact-based, that I was afraid to the absolutism of Philip V. To what extent is this a lie?

The fictions of nationalist fragmentary have to engage something with the historical truth, otherwise, if the lie is too blatant, would lose force propaganda (although it is true that the lies of catalanism are very, very fat, and that fall, increasingly, on the ridiculous more evident).

it Is true that the so-called regime polisinodial of the Austrias, with institutions such as the viceroys of regional Councils (synods), the Hearings… that mediate between the power of the king and the subjects, it was less centralist system that the absolutist French monarchy’s of the same age (although the “centralism”, in any case, the concept is quite confusing). The ideologues of nationalism speak of the “pactismo”, typical of the aragonese Crown, as if it were a more “democratic” (or something similar) that the system of organization of the political power the Spanish, when it is not so at all. The pactismo means that the oligarchies of aragon have a lot of power to put pressure on the crown, consolidating the regime and servile vassal, while in Castile the peasants were under the pressure of the oligarchies stately thanks to the mediation of power monáquico, that kept them more at bay.

– what Were the Decrees of New Plant repressive with Catalonia?

Another of the lies more fat of nationalism is to assert that the decrees of new Plant were an imposition of the right Spanish about Aragon, when it turns out that such decrees are so foreign to Castile as in Aragon and implemented ex-novo in one and in another. The nueva planta Decrees were also new Castile.

– What is the lie nationalist on the War of Succession, which hurts most?

What hurts me most are the political consequences, of the present, which have such a misrepresentation of art, giving for good, for virtually all institutions, national and international, in its consideration of party “the national”. And that, when Catalonia is not a nation, and may not have been “defeated” the 11th of September of 1714 by Spain. They complain about some games of monopoly that nationalism makes of the party, but it turns out that you can only see it as such, as festival “the national”, from the nationalism of fragmentation.

– do you Think that nationalism, understood as the Succession War as a War of Secession?

Yes, it is. And he was not; he was in succession as there were others in Spain (Pedro I and Enrique II) and in other countries.

– When did you began to use the Day as a weapon of nationalism?

I remember reading in the newspaper archive of the avant-Garde an article dedicated to the celebration already included, if I recall, the floral offering at the Casanova of the Day in the year 1938. It is with the rise of institutional nationalism fragmented in Catalonia, from the Commonwealth in forward, crystallizes as a feast “national”.