The Government is firmly committed to the response that NATO and the European Union are giving the Russian invasion in Ukraine, and from which our country is part.
Far from the frictions in the heart of the Council of Ministers in the last days, the Executive emphasizes that unity, whether national or between allies, is “unwavering”, because this is the only strategy that guarantees “collective security”.
And the participation of Spain in the operative of “dissuasion and defense” against Russia, therefore, “it is more necessary than ever.”

This has been expressed the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, which on Wednesday has appeared in the Defense Commission of the Congress of the Members to report on the development of Spanish military operations in the different international missions in which it participates, with special emphasis
In those related to the conflict with Russia.

The words of oaks arrive a day after Pedro Sánchez visited the Spanish troops deployed in Latvia as part of the NATO deterrent operation and progress that Spain will attend all the economic sanctions as the set of allies against Russia, despite
The consequences that this may be supposed for our country: “Greater would be the cost if we did not act against Putin.”

Oaks, in addition, has opened the door to Spain send more offensive material to Ukraine, despite the rejection that this generates in UNIDA can: “Within the availabilities, if Ukraine needs it, we will send the material we have and that can help
That heroic defense is doing the Ukrainians, “has expressed the minister upon arrival at Congress, in statements collected by Europe Press.

The blunt message from Sánchez on Tuesday -rode of battleships under the snow and accompanied by the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the General Secretary of the Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg – has also been shared by the owner of Defense, which has
Considered that our forces are proof that Spain is “a responsible, serious and reliable partner” to participate in security and defense operations, and represent “the best values of our country and constitutional design.”

Both Sánchez’s speech and EL of oaks definitely close the door to criticism poured from the purple sector of the government.
United Can we have rejected in recent days the shipment of armament and denounced the war escalation from which our country is participating.
Such was the level of discrepancy that the leader of the confederal space, Yolanda Díaz, had to bring together the Ministers Ione Belarra and Irene Montero to ask them to lower the tension in the executive.

Robles, on this point, has reiterated that Spain “has bet on all this time” -from that the threats of Russia began- by the diplomatic pathways as a desired tension form “initiated exclusively” by Vladimir Putin, as has
Made the EU, NATO and the UN.
“Peace defends themselves with great statements,” the socialist minister has launched, but also “working” every day for the peace and defense of the most needy in this conflict, which is the Ukrainian people.
But before the redouble of the attack of Putin “nothing has served dialogue and diplomacy”.

In fact, reiterate the role of our troops in all the missions in which Spain has participated for three decades – and that they have caused 188 losses, to which the minister has surrendered a few words of homage – it is nothing more than extolling the goal ”
Unique “from Spain, which is” preserve peace “and” create stability “.