Greifswald (dpa/mv) – This year’s “Nordic Sound” festival invites you to Greifswald from May 5th to 14th with a program of Northern European culture and music. The organizers announced on Tuesday that artists from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Estonia were expected at the 32nd edition. The repertoire ranges from folk-pop and folk-rock to jazz. Readings, exhibitions, films and a diverse scientific program are also planned.

One focus this year is on the culture of the indigenous Sami community. “Sami music never ceases to amaze!” Frithjof Strauss, the festival’s artistic director, was quoted as saying. Among other things, because of the connections that they enter into with other styles. According to the information, this year’s patron is the Swedish Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand in addition to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD). Because of Germany’s presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, the 2023 festival is of particular cultural and political importance.