Schwerin (dpa/mv) – Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are particularly affected by the high energy costs can apply for hardship aid from the State Funding Institute (LFI) from Wednesday. “It is important to absorb cases of particular hardship. We have now defined the framework for this,” said Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Economics Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD) on Tuesday in Schwerin.

According to the information, the aid applies to expenditure on electricity, gas, heating oil, wood, pellets and coal. Companies receive – if they are entitled – a one-off payment as a subsidy. The maximum amount is set at EUR 200,000 per company. “In addition to the help, there is a special hardship commission. We want to look at individual cases of particular hardship in order to find individual solutions if necessary,” says Meyer.

The state provides its own funds for this – in addition to the aid from the federal government. A total of 50 million euros are earmarked for cases of hardship, of which 20 million each go to the federal and state SME hardship regulations. A further 10 million euros are earmarked for hardship loans in the event of material price increases and supply chain disruptions.

The umbrella organization of business associations in the north-east VUMV welcomed the start of the aid program. “Finally there is clarity,” said Deputy General Manager Sven Müller. In due course, however, the aid should be checked to see whether it actually reaches those affected.