Alt Schwerin (dpa/mv) – One of the largest rock gardens in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – the boulder collection near Alt Schwerin – has been modernized. As a spokeswoman for the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heide Nature Park said on Thursday, the area on the cycle path around Lake Drewitz will be reopened this Friday. Experts from the Institute of Geology at the University of Greifswald have redesigned the information on the approximately 50 giant stones and have also gone into more detail about the transport during the last ice age.

The granite, sandstone and gneiss, weighing up to 15 tons, were transported in the ice from Scandinavia to the Lake District. These glaciers melted around 10,000 years ago. The founder of the rock collection at Ortkrug brought the rocks from a nearby opencast mine to Lake Drewitz. The body of water is considered one of the clearest lakes in the Northeast and is a popular stop for visitors to the nature park, which includes parts of the districts of Rostock, Ludwigslust-Parchium and the Mecklenburg Lake District.

With many lakes and forests between Plau, Krakow am See and Waren, it is one of the largest protected areas in the northeast, where several hunting grounds of SED rulers were located in GDR times.