Greifswald (dpa/mv) – In view of limited funds, the Pomeranian Evangelical Church District is considering prioritizing certain buildings for preservation. More than 900 buildings belonged to the Pomeranian Evangelical Church District, it was said on Thursday after a meeting of the district church council near Greifswald. Most of them, namely 468, are sacred buildings, village and town churches and chapels. According to the head of the church district’s construction department, Ekkehard Wohlgemuth, an average of fewer than 150 parishioners already have a church today, with membership numbers continuing to fall and funds running out.

“In most cases, this involves the renovation of the roof and compartment, i.e. the pure preservation of the building so that the church remains dry and stable,” Wohlgemuth was quoted as saying in a statement. The preservation of the building is one of the greatest challenges faced by the Pomeranian congregations and the church district. Wohlgemuth suggested introducing a categorization, for example based on the frequency of church services or the cultural and tourist potential.

According to the church district, however, prioritization must not be equated with value. Rather, it should serve to use the available funds in a targeted manner. “We have to get the residents on board,” demanded Gerd Panknin, chairman of the district church council. “Even today it is the many support and church building associations that are an important support in the parishes.”