Greifswald (dpa/mv) – For their research into the use of electricity as a possible therapy for brain damage, Greifswald scientists are receiving millions in funding. The German Research Foundation (DFG) will provide more than five million euros for the new research group over the next four years, the University Medicine Greifswald (UMG) announced on Wednesday.

According to the information, the focus of the research is the use of electrodes that are placed on the scalp. These stimulate the brain. In the future, this should help to reactivate areas of the brain that have been damaged or no longer work together optimally as a result of an illness.

The research group is scheduled to start in January 2023 and is based at the University Medical Center and the University of Greifswald. According to the information, eleven scientists from Greifswald, Berlin, Dortmund, Dresden, Essen, Leipzig and Copenhagen were involved in the development of the research program.