Schwerin (dpa/mv) – Economics Minister Reinhard Meyer is demanding more money from the federal government for local public transport before the introduction of the 49-euro ticket. “It is important to take the first step before the second, that is, first to put the financing of public transport on a secure footing so that the Germany ticket is then a success,” said the SPD politician on Tuesday.

According to his ideas, non-city states should receive more so-called regionalization funds. This is necessary in order to maintain or expand the offer, especially in rural areas.

According to Meyer, the federal states would also like to see more commitment from the federal government when it comes to the cost of the ticket itself. In addition to the equal distribution of the previously forecast costs of three billion euros between the federal states and the federal government, this should also apply to any additional costs. The start of the 9-euro ticket successor is therefore targeted for April 2023. The new ticket was also a topic at a digital conference of transport ministers on Tuesday.