Peenemünde/Stralsund (dpa/mv) – The police and sea rescuers were repeatedly deployed off the coast of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania at the weekend. On Sunday, emergency services rescued a 70-year-old sailor after his boat ran aground near the Peenemünder Haken. The boat with fully set sails was noticed by a patrol shortly before nightfall, the water police said on Monday. Accordingly, an informed sea rescue cruiser could not reach the boat. Officials and a sea rescuer drove to the boat in gusts and rough seas in a rubber dinghy and discovered the skipper, who had been injured in the head. He was taken ashore and taken to a hospital, where hypothermia was also diagnosed. The boat was secured with an anchor and the sails were lowered.

On Saturday, sea rescuers and the federal police had to salvage a motorboat and its two-man crew off Stralsund. The federal police said on Monday that the boat had previously collided with an underwater obstacle. The 300 hp outboard engine was demolished. Water then entered. The engine was recovered with the crane of the federal police ship “Prignitz”. The boat was brought ashore. The crew was unharmed.