Sellin (dpa / mv) – Representatives of the hospitality industry in the north-east have warned of plans to land liquefied natural gas in front of Rügen. “Around two-thirds of all overnight stays on Rügen are generated in the coastal section directly affected by the plans,” criticized Lars Schwarz, President of the Dehoga industry association in the north-east, on Friday. The fear of existence is palpable for the affected colleagues.

Schwarz warned, among other things, of possible negative consequences for nature conservation as well as environmental pollution and the turning away of tourists from the holiday resort of Rügen. One fights against corresponding plans.

According to previous plans, two platforms are to be built in the Baltic Sea off Sellin in the southeast of Rügen, on which floating liquefied natural gas terminals are to be moored. After the officially opened terminal in Lubmin in mid-January, it would be the second in Western Pomerania. The energy company RWE is to implement the project in front of Rügen on behalf of the federal government.

Helmut Scholz, a member of the Left Party in the EU Parliament, warned: “The damage to the local economy on Rügen and all those people who live from it will be difficult to reverse.” Studies indicated that the terminals planned by Germany led to overcapacity. According to a report by the Ministry of Economics, this is planning significantly more capacity than is probably needed for safety reasons.

The AfD faction in the Schwerin state parliament also renewed its criticism. “Alternative locations far out on the Baltic Sea must then be considered,” demanded tourism policy spokesman Paul Timm.