Schwerin (dpa/mv) – In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, only a good third of the property owners have so far submitted the property tax return required by the tax authorities. As Finance Minister Heiko Geue (SPD) announced on Friday in Schwerin, the tax offices in the state currently have around 313,000 electronic declarations. This corresponds to an entry rate of around 37 percent. In addition, there would be declarations submitted on paper, which would still have to be digitized. Their number was not mentioned.

The data collection is a prerequisite for being able to implement the new levying of property tax from 2025, which the Federal Constitutional Court has demanded due to completely outdated values. For this purpose, almost 36 million properties nationwide have to be revalued. Due to the sluggish receipt of property tax returns nationwide, the submission deadline was extended from the end of October to the end of January 2023. This means there are still six weeks to report the data on time.

“I would like to encourage all those affected to start processing the applications as soon as possible and not to put it off,” said Geue. Anyone who has questions about the property tax return can get help via the hotline on 0385 588 11345. In addition, there are special consultation hours and instructions on the Internet in the service centers of the tax offices.