Rostock/Stralsund (dpa/mv) – Citizens in parts of the north-east have to be prepared for restrictions on Thursday, especially in public administrations. The Verdi union called on public sector employees in the Verdi district of Rostock to go on warning strikes because of the current wage dispute, as announced on Tuesday. The Hanseatic city, the district of Rostock and the district of Western Pomerania-Rügen are affected, said a spokesman. The action falls on a Thursday because the authorities usually open longer. He hopes that those affected will understand.

The Südstadt Rostock Clinic is also potentially affected. The appeal is aimed at employees of the public service of municipalities, but also of the federal government, for example also the Bundeswehr. A rally is planned in front of the Rostock trade union building.

Verdi justified the step with the unsuccessful second round of negotiations last week. The employers had put a completely inadequate offer on the table. Verdi and dbb are demanding 10.5 percent more income, but at least 500 euros more per month. An offer from the employer includes, among other things, a pay increase of five percent in two steps and one-off payments totaling 2,500 euros. There will be a third round of negotiations at the end of March. Elsewhere, Verdi also wants to paralyze local public transport at the end of the week.