Felipe VI is the Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, and in that role, every year on January 6 he fulfills the tradition of presiding over Military Easter, the most important celebration of the military calendar. This year, Don Felipe not only celebrates the tenth occasion at the head of the Armed Forces, but also the debut of the Princess of Asturias in this event.

The King, dressed in the Navy’s gala uniform, recalled in his speech the role of the Armed Forces, who during these 45 years since the Constitution was approved have fulfilled “with determination, selflessness, efficiency and dignity your mission of contributing to guarantee the necessary security conditions so that we Spaniards can enjoy our rights and freedoms”. Furthermore, he stated: “The defense of the framework of coexistence democratically chosen by the Spanish is a living testimony of your commitment to society.”

That is why the King recalled that his dedication “is exemplary and deserves all the respect and the highest recognition.” Don Felipe, who referred to the 200 soldiers gathered in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace as “dear companions”, remembered those who fell in the act of service: “Their memory never fades because their actions and their legacy are a source of inspiration “, he claimed. And he defined 2023 as “a very demanding period.” In fact, the Monarch vindicated the role of the three thousand soldiers deployed in 17 operations abroad: “With their dedication and sacrifice they become an example of the values ​​of our society.”

The King assured that the missions in which Spain participates “are an example of how a world in constant evolution leads us to the challenges faced by the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard becoming increasingly more demanding.” That is why the King defined the men and women members of the Armed Forces as “very qualified, with an undoubted vocation for service and a very high level of professionalism.”

For all these reasons, the King recalled that the Armed Forces must continue to assume “a fundamental role in the preservation of the historical identity of Spain.”