Hundreds of people were gathered in the vicinity of the Plaza de Oriente since eleven in the morning. It was barely five degrees and it was Three Kings morning, but they wanted to witness the celebration of Military Easter. At that time, the Royal Guard was already in formation in the Plaza de Armas of the Palace. Also the national flag, which entered while the band sang the national anthem and 21 honor shots were fired.

It was twelve in the morning when the Kings arrived at the Plaza de la Almudena. The Princess of Asturias was traveling in another vehicle, who this year makes her debut at Military Easter. The Heir to the Throne wore the dress uniform of a lady cadet of the General Military Academy, where she is completing the first of three years of military training. She wore the grancé beret and the decorations awarded by the King. Around her neck, the Golden Fleece and from her right shoulder attached the light blue band of the Order of Charles III and the plaque that accompanies it. The Kings and Princesses were received by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

After greeting Margarita Robles, Minister of Defense; Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Minister of the Interior; Teodoro Esteban López Calderón, Chief of the Defense Staff and Emilio J. Gracia Cirugeda, head of the Military Room of the House, each took his place to pay honors to the King. Doña Leonor once again demonstrated her knowledge of military protocol and steadfastly followed the interpretation of the national anthem.

Already in the ambassadors’ hall, the Kings and the Princess greeted the staff of National Heritage and the Military Room. Doña Letizia wore a blue blouse and a long black skirt. And on this occasion the King wore the Navy’s dress uniform. Each year the uniform of each corps rotates.

After a long hand kiss in which Doña Leonor referred to each soldier by their job, greeting them: “At your service”, the Royal Family went to the throne room, where the authorities and 200 soldiers were waiting for them.

Both the speeches of Felipe VI and that of Margarita Robles made reference to the Princess of Asturias. Thus, the King recognized the “enormous pride” that both he and Doña Letizia feel “since the Princess had the honor of swearing in the flag last October at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza.”

As Felipe VI explained, the Kings know that the Princess “has had an excellent reception.” The Heiress’s parents assured that they are aware “that the camaraderie, nobility and loyalty that she finds among you is the best incentive she can have.”

The King recalled once again that in 2023 the Princess swore the Constitution, “thus renewing the Crown’s commitment to that path and to all the values, principles and rights that it establishes and that have since governed the lives of all Spaniards.”

The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, also wanted to make reference to the Princess of Asturias in her speech. Thus, the head of Defense stated that “it is essential to highlight the significance of the Princess of Asturias, Doña Leonor, having begun her military training. Her incorporation, characterized by unquestionable dedication and effort, takes on a unique relevance, since it is called to play in the future the role of Supreme Command of the Armed Forces”.

“As parents, you can feel satisfied with the work that the Princess of Asturias is doing,” the minister said to Don Felipe and Doña Letizia, who did not hide their proud smile.