Ozzy Osbourne has lived in Los Angeles for more than 25 years. But the native Brit is fed up with it and is planning his return to England. The reason he cites is not only the shootings in the USA. He also “doesn’t want to die in America,” he clarifies.

Ozzy Osbourne is turning his back on the United States. The 73-year-old wants to move back to his native England with his wife Sharon. He revealed that in an interview with the Observer.

In the US, “everything is bloody ridiculous,” Osbourne said in the interview. “I’m fed up with people being killed every day. God knows how many people have been shot in school shootings. (…) It’s totally crazy.”

He also “doesn’t want to die in America,” says Osbourne, adding, referring to a well-known celebrity cemetery in Los Angeles: “I don’t want to be buried in the damn Forest Lawn.” The musician emphasizes: “I’m English.” He wants to go back to his native country. “It’s just time for me to come home.”

According to the Observer, the move is scheduled for early next year. In February, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne were set to move back into their 120-year-old Buckinghamshire estate. The couple bought the listed Welders House with its 350-acre property in 1993. It is said that a swimming pool and a recording studio should be built there and air conditioning installed before the move. The two would leave their villa in Los Angeles for this – according to the “Observer” it is already for sale.

In an interview, his wife Sharon emphasizes that the planned move has nothing to do with her husband’s health. “I knew people would think that, but it’s not.” Rather, it is “simply about time,” she explains. “America has changed so drastically. It’s not the United States of America at all.”

In 2003, Ozzy Osbourne was involved in a quad vehicle accident at his English country home. Since then he has suffered from serious health problems in the neck area, which led to several operations. The singer also announced in early January 2020 that he had Parkinson’s disease. In April 2022 he also had to survive a corona infection.

Ozzy Osbourne plans to release his 13th solo album “Patient Number 9” on September 9th. More music doesn’t seem out of the question: He’s having the recording studio built in England “so that he can make more music,” writes the Observer.