Nicolás Maduro has sabotaged the negotiation with the opposition by ordering his representatives not attending the first meeting of the new round of talks that he had to be held on Friday in Mexico City.

The opposition envoys stayed waiting for Friday night without receiving an explanation about the absence of their counterpart at the table.
The representatives of Maduro are traveling to Mexico City to resume the talks this afternoon, however, after the running, it was not clear whether the meetings would be given, political sources said to the world.

On Friday night, the opposition published a statement clarifying that, despite the absence of the delegation of the regime, “the delegation of the unitary platform reiterates its commitment to advance” in the negotiation.
He also clarified that from the beginning he promised to inform timely what happened with the process.
The delegation of the regime, on the other hand, never explained what happened.

In the statement, published on Twitter by Gerardo Blyde, head of the opposition delegation, the unitary platform stressed that among its main objectives was to advance in the constitution of a social care table to promote child nutrition programs, transplants and vaccination against coronavirus
In Venezuela, one of the first partial agreements that had been reached in the round of negotiations that culminated on September 6.

The opposition also recalled that the next issue that would be addressed in this round would be the reform of the judicial system, which works under the orders of Maduro.
“Here we are for the construction of the Justice System, Venezuela is a country with a kidnapped justice, which pursues and enters dissent and promotes impunity. Rescue it is a fundamental requirement to reconquer our rights, to return the Venezuelans the power of
Choose and reconquer democracy, “says the statement.

Mature had already shaken the negotiation when the head of his representatives, Jorge Rodríguez, said on September 14 at a press conference that had decided – without consulting anyone – including the Colombian businessman Alex Saab, accused of being the testah of the socialist leader
, as another one of his envoyes in the dialogue in Mexico.
An unlikely measure, since Saab is detained in Cape Verde, waiting for the deportation of it to the United States to face charges for money laundering.

Norway, a negotiation mediator, has not reacted to that application for the regime or the absence of chavism on Friday.

One reason that could be behind the absence of the representatives of Maduro on Friday could be the recent declarations of James Story, Ambassador of the United States for Venezuela – Based on Bogotá-, on the proposal to include Saab in negotiations and discussion
About an eventual lifting of sanctions.

Story has been emphatic that the process against Saab is carried by the US justice system, which works independently to foreign policy.
He also clarified that there can be no survey of sanctions until there are irreversible commitments to achieve a democratic transition in Venezuela.

“This statement by story: 1) insults the dialogue table in Mexico, but above all 2) insults the delegates of the PU (unitary platform) to those who seem to give them orders. The Bolivarian GOB will never attend an agenda that attempts to impose this
Character. Let’s nook Supermán, “wrote Friday night Jorge Rodríguez on Twitter.