The forecasts promised rain and red flags around the statue of Alexander Pushkin in the center of Moscow.
The Communist Party of Russia, the ‘loyal opposition’ that has been enduring the democracy for years by Vladimir Putin, threw to the streets on Saturday to denounce the “electoral robbery” in the legislative elections a week ago.
Almost a thousand people protested under a gray sky despite the restrictions for the threat of the Covid.
Megaphone in Ristre, a policeman meandered between the mass repeating tiredly: “Keep the distance social!”
and “This manifestation has not been authorized!”

The Russian KPRF communists refuse to recognize the recount of the ‘online’ votes issued in Moscow. The leader of the Party, Guenadi Ziuganov, denounces that before the announcement of the ‘Electronic Vows’ in uninominal circumscriptions, six KPRF candidates earned in Moscow, but then lost the leader after the digital votes. The old ‘Bolsheviks’ They have decided to move on to the offensive, making noise in the streets before winter falls by grabbing the desire to protest an electoral base that does not stand out for their youth. But this time the authorities, accustomed to deal with the young dissidents of Alexei Navalny, decided to innovate by answering the noise with more noise. A police van was placed at the beginning of the square and four powerful speakers issued music at full volume while speaking the speeches on the other side of the monument.Valeri Rashkin, secretary of the Communist Party in Moscow, tried to impose itself to the decibels: ” Russia united has stolen the seats. ” “Whoever steals votes is a criminal,” the Communist deputy Alexei Kurinny was denied. From the tenth row it was difficult to hear what they were saying because of the pestinaz ‘mouse music’ that came from the north of the square. Among the ‘hits’ that sounded, the most booed time was when the police put the song ‘Uncle Vova [Diminutivo de Vladimir] we are with you’. “I wonder who will have done the ‘playlist’, if someone from the Security Council or the own police, “Ironizaba Alexei, about 50, who was protected with a hat of ten degrees with which that thunderous on Saturday’s thunder, the final results of the elections were released on Friday and give to the Rural Russia party. United, which supports the president, 324 of the 450 seats of the Duma. The communists, usual ‘second’ since the fall of the Soviet Union, expected more approaching the Government Party and at least stripping it from its ‘constitutional majority’, but only achieved 19% of the votes. A day before the demonstration, Some 60 people were arrested, including deputies to the Assembly of the City of Moscow and candidates for the State Duma. A second count of the electronic vows will be ready for Monday. But the Kremlin wants electronic vote to extend to the whole country in future voting. “Technological progress can not be stopped,” said the president. The crowd had not only communists. “Putin thief”, shouted the youngest. The old ones, they tended more to listen. At least what ‘police music’ let them hear. Fed up after an hour of decibels of Russian pop, several retirees began to swirl around the van, protected by several fences and five agents. The scene remembered the siege suffered by any bitchadisks at a wedding from one in the morning. But the accusations were more serious: “You do not have a shame!”, I screamed a lady to the agents, engraved by several teenagers to report in Tiktok the police boycott. Even the elders were dispersing, some young people shouted “Freedom for Navalny” together To the same statue of Pushkin. Erected in the 19th century, the monument was reopened by the Soviets in 1937, which placed their verses on the pedestal: “(…) for awakening the good feelings asleep / because in my cruel century I sang to freedom / because I implored clemency For all the fallen. ” So he ‘forgive him’ the aristocratic character of him. Like this Saturday, no communist returned to Navalny “Wall Street servant”. The trench of the protest in Moscow is gathering old people, but “putinismo ‘left songs for a while.