Tönisvorst (dpa / lnw) – After the end of the Russian occupation in Cherson, the Ukrainian city will also be supplied with medicines and medical equipment from the aid organization Action Medeor. “We assume that the shipment will arrive in the next few days,” said Markus Bremers, spokesman for the drug relief organization based in Tönisvorst, on Thursday. After the withdrawal of the Russian troops, the infrastructure was largely destroyed and there was a lack of medical equipment and supplies, according to a statement.

Medicines such as infusion solutions, antibiotics and cardiovascular preparations as well as compresses, bandages and rescue blankets go to Cherson. A total of 5.5 tons of relief supplies worth 300,000 euros were sent to the Ukrainian Center for Public Health. According to Action Medeor, the decision was made there to forward the majority of the shipment to Cherson.

According to its own statements, since the Russian attack on Ukraine, the aid organization, which is also known as the “emergency pharmacy of the world,” has brought more than 140 aid deliveries to Ukraine with a total value of almost six million euros. Under pressure from the Ukrainian army, the Russian occupiers evacuated the regional capital of Cherson in early November and retreated to the southern bank of the Dnipro River.