Duisburg (dpa / lnw) – A young woman (26) tried to escape from a bridal shop in the Marxloh district of Duisburg while trying on a wedding dress. After she was not satisfied with a wedding dress made especially for her, the owner of the shop on Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse, which is known for many bridal fashion shops, offered her another on Tuesday. When she tried it on, she ran out of the store with it, the police said on Wednesday.

The companion (24) of the woman who had come from Belgium, her future brother-in-law, followed her and then locked the exit door of the store from the outside so that the employees could not follow. When they forcibly managed to open the door, the 24-year-old is said to have taken a bollard and hit his pursuer with it. The business owner was slightly injured.

The alarmed police officers temporarily arrested the Belgian woman and the man. At the request of the Duisburg public prosecutor’s office, they were to be brought before a magistrate on Wednesday for robbery and dangerous bodily harm.