Schwerin (dpa/mv) – The wait and see of the state government as to whether they will grant their retired civil servants 300 euros in energy money is driving the police union upset. “We finally need clarity: Does the state pay its pension recipients the energy price flat rate as in other federal states or are former state employees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania once again the losers in federalism?” scolded the state chairman of the union, Christian Schumacher, on Wednesday.

The federal government has announced a taxable one-time payment of 300 euros to pensioners in Germany to cushion the high energy prices. At the same time, she announced that she would also give the money to retired federal officials. The states are responsible for the state officials. MV would receive around 2.1 million euros for the approximately 7,000 retirees.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Finance announced that it was examining whether and to what extent the energy flat rate would be paid for the state’s pension recipients. Schumacher reacted with incomprehension: “The northern German states of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg have already decided quickly and consistently to also pay their pension recipients the energy flat rate.”