Dresden (dpa / sn) – A move from Saxony’s police academy, which was mainly discussed internally, is off the table. “Rothenburg remains the location of the Saxon Police University,” said Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) in Dresden on Wednesday. Six variants were examined, such as exchanging the training locations in Bautzen and Rothenburg and merging with the Meissen University of Applied Sciences. “Too expensive, too long, too complicated,” Schuster summed up. The decision was “final and final”.

According to him, a location swap with Bautzen alone would have required investments of more than 300 million euros, and a merger with the Meissen University of Applied Sciences would have required well over 200 million euros. And the structural implementation would be completed in 2033 at the earliest and in the case of the merger around 2038. Instead, the Rothenburg location is to be further strengthened with training, studies, further training and research under one roof. “Because the police need the best possible trained young people.”

According to Schuster, not everything will remain the same there, the two vacant management positions of rector and chancellor will be filled. In addition, the university is to open up further, for example for cooperation with the universities of Meißen and Zittau/Görlitz for courses, internships or bachelor’s and master’s theses.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 18.9 million euros are available for construction measures at the Rothenburg site in the draft for the 2023/2024 double budget, and 17.9 million euros for the Bautzen site. A further 17.7 million euros should be available for Rothenburg from 2025 and 41.1 million euros for Bautzen.