Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – The North Rhine-Westphalian government wants to launch the first aid measures from the planned “crisis management special fund” before Christmas. On Friday in Düsseldorf, the cabinet put together an initial package worth 1.6 billion euros.

It is about opportunities for children to participate, help for the homeless and those in need, decent housing for people from Ukraine and support for energy-intensive companies “so that jobs are secure,” said Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU). At the same time, gaps in justice that remained open in the federal relief package must be closed. “This aid will directly benefit the people in our country who have been particularly affected by the crisis,” assured the head of government.

In its last session of this year, the state parliament is to decide on the first tranche on Tuesday – the prerequisite is that the special fund planned with credit authorizations of up to five billion euros is anchored in law as an addendum to the 2022 budget. However, the government factions of the CDU and the Greens can also approve this with their own majority. “Subject to the approval of the state parliament, the first measures can be implemented this year,” said the State Chancellery.