Wesel (dpa / lnw) – Five people were injured in a chase with a company car that was stolen in the Wesel district. A 26-year-old man is said to have previously broken into a shop in the district and stolen a safe there containing the car keys for a company car, police said on Monday. After the alleged thief had disposed of the safe with the remaining contents in a meadow, he fled in the company car.

With the help of the GPS tracker in the stolen car, the police were able to locate the fugitive after the incident on Saturday, who drove to the Netherlands at short notice and from there back to Germany via the A3. Patrol cars from Wesel and Borken followed him, but the fugitive 26-year-old disregarded all stop signals, it said. When driving towards Raesfeld, the young man then lost control of the car, crashed into a tree, a stopping car and then collided with a patrol car. When he tried to flee on foot, he was arrested by the police.

The 26-year-old, three police officers who were in the patrol car and the 67-year-old driver of the stopped car suffered minor injuries in the accident. Further examination of the young man revealed that he may have been under the influence of drugs. Police say the man does not have a driver’s license. The competent court ordered pre-trial detention.