Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – In the future, geothermal energy should make a central contribution to a more climate-friendly heat supply. North Rhine-Westphalia is also preparing to start using deep geothermal energy. NRW Economics and Climate Protection Minister Mona Neubaur (Greens) informed herself on Wednesday about technical possibilities in the search for climate-friendly heat from the depths. In Düsseldorf, the minister tested a vibro truck used for such measurements.

“The massive expansion of renewable energies has never been more urgent than it is today,” emphasized Neubaur. In particular, the currently high gas prices made it clear: “The heat transition must be promoted by all means.”

The state parliament had already decided in March 2019 to promote the use of geothermal energy in order to optimally use the heat potential of the state. On this basis, the Ministry of Economic Affairs commissioned the Geological Service NRW to carry out a geothermal characterization of the deep underground. The aim of the seismic measurements is to identify suitable rock deposits at depth that contain hot deep water.

The Münsterland was the pilot region in autumn 2021. Now the Rhineland follows with the region between Viersen, Krefeld, Düsseldorf and Duisburg. Geothermal heat offers the opportunity for a regional and climate-friendly heat supply: independent of the weather, at any time of the day or night, stable in costs and with little space requirement, as the Ministry of Economics emphasized.

In order to explore the underground, special vehicles, so-called vibro trucks, use vibrations to generate sound waves that are reflected at the boundaries of the different types of rock. This creates a kind of “ultrasound image of Mother Earth”. According to the Ministry, drilling or other interventions in the ground are not necessary with this method.