Lauterbach/Fulda (dpa/lhe) – A body was discovered in the basement of the house that exploded on Monday evening in Lauterbach in the Vogelsberg district. It was initially unclear whether the dead man was the missing resident of the semi-detached house. As the police in Fulda announced on Wednesday, the dead man is expected to be autopsied early next week. From the forensic medical examination, the investigators hope, among other things, to find information about the cause of death.

According to the investigation, shortly before the explosion there was a dispute between two residents of the house – a 57-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman. The police suspect that the 57-year-old then blew up the house with gas in order to take his own life. The 51-year-old woman escaped from the building in time. She suffered minor injuries. The detonation caused a fire.