Mönchengladbach (dpa / lnw) – Because a short circuit in a house in Mönchengladbach triggered an attic fire, the police discovered illegal cannabis plantations. Officials at the scene of the fire initially wanted to warn people in the neighboring apartment building on Tuesday of the fire that could spread and the danger of smoke gases, the police said on Wednesday.

Although the emergency services did not discover anyone in the neighboring house, they did discover a professionally designed cannabis plantation that stretched over two floors. A cannabis plantation was also found in the house where the fire had been extinguished after the extinguishing work was completed, it said. When a fire expert and fire investigator from the CID took a closer look at the site the next day, they discovered a technical defect in a power cable that supplied the plantation with energy. The resulting short circuit caused the fire.

A total of more than 600 cannabis plants with an estimated market value of 100,000 euros were seized. According to the police, it is still unclear who ran the cannabis plantations.