Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – About a month before the end of the filing deadline, just under half of the property owners in North Rhine-Westphalia have submitted their property tax returns. By the end of December (as of December 27th, 2022), around three million declarations had been received by the NRW tax offices, the regional finance department announced on Thursday. That’s about 45 percent. More than 90 percent of the declarations were made digitally. Around 6.7 million plots of land and agricultural and forestry businesses in North Rhine-Westphalia have to be revalued as a result of the property tax reform.

House and apartment owners must submit their property tax return by January 31st. The original deadline was the end of October. Because of the slow entrance it was lengthened. Experience has shown that deadlines are often used as far as possible, and declarations were only received by the tax offices when the deadline was approaching, said Chief Finance President Werner Brommund. “Our financial administration is well prepared for this.”

The tax offices in NRW also support people between the holidays and in the new year with questions about property tax returns, it said. The telephone hotline will be manned until December 30th and again from January 2nd, 2023. The digital information platform (www.grundsteuer.nrw.de) supports owners with click-by-click instructions and explanatory videos.

The digital submission of the tax return via the online tax office Elster (www.elster.de) can also be done via the access of close relatives. For example, if the children have a user account, the parents can also use it.