Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Pupils from the ninth grade onwards can soon try their hand at being multimedia parliamentary reporters in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament. The state parliament is launching a new program with the program “State Parliament Makes School – Parliamentary Reporters”. A spokesman for the state parliament said that young people who are interested in the media or are already editors of a school newspaper could get to know the political and journalistic work in parliament at a project day. The work of the parliamentary reporters is published, among other things, on the website and the social media channels of the state parliament.

“Democracy needs journalistic reporting, it needs young people who are committed and interested in politics and the media,” said state parliament president André Kuper. “We invite creative students to look behind the scenes of state politics and immerse themselves in political reporting at the heart of democracy.”

The project day begins with an introduction in the press office of the state parliament and includes a visit to a committee meeting. The students can then write their own texts, make videos and take photos. Members of the Presidium of the State Parliament are available for interviews and for exchange.