Kalletal (dpa / lnw) – After a fatal accident in the Lippe district, in which a woman was run over by a tractor trailer after a carnival parade, the police are investigating the 54-year-old driver. There are indications that the man was drunk while driving, the police said on Monday. A blood sample was taken from him and his driver’s license was secured. Investigated for involuntary manslaughter.

According to the police, the 56-year-old was a passenger on the tractor on Saturday afternoon on the way back from the move in the Kalletal district of Kalldorf. For reasons that are still unclear, she leaned over to a person in the trailer and fell between the tractor and the trailer. Although the driver stopped immediately, the woman was run over by the trailer and died at the scene of the accident. Other carnival celebrations in Kalldorf were “ended prematurely” by the mayor.