A new research will look for the DNA of the monster of the Lake NessEl real monster of the lake was not Nessie

The first testimonies about the existence of the loch Ness monster (Nessie) go back to the sixth century and is attributed to Columba of Iona, introducer of christianity in Scotland. Since then, there have been nearly 4,000 purported sightings: it has been said of him that he could be a kind of evil “horse water”, a survivor of the Jurassic period or much more day-to-day, as to driftwood, a large fish, some waterfowl, or just a wave.

What is true is that no scientist has yet found evidence of the existence of Nessie, but the deep, black waters of the lake, stained by the peat of the soil, and the mountain of pounds, which has led tourism , have kept alive the mystery of the monster. So, a study recently conducted by scientists from the University of Otago (New Zealand) has extracted the DNA of the creatures living in the lake. After you obtain some very interesting data on the fauna of the place, have proposed that Nessie could well be one or several eels giant .

“The loch Ness is teeming with eels,” he explained in The Times, Neil Gemmell, director of research. “ We have found DNA of anguilla in almost all locations that we have analyzed. And there are lots of them. We cannot rule out the possibility of eels giant on loch Ness”.

What the photographs, sometimes doctored, have allowed a glimpse of, has not passed the examination of the genetic sequencing: a technique that allows x-raying various points of the lake to understand what living beings dwell in him.

“I’m sorry, but the hypothesis of the plesiosaur –a reptile Jurassic period that would have survived in the bottom of the lake– not be sustained on the basis of the data we have obtained,” said Gemmel. “ there is Also no DNA of sharks, or catfish –an order of fish among which there are species that attain a large size–, nor have we been able to find any evidence of a sturgeon –a primitive genus of fish that can exceed three meters in length–”.

do Eels four feet long?

therefore, the eels would be, according to Gemmel, a more plausible explanation for the ghostly presence. And not just because the lake is crowded of them, but also because in 2007 a video filmed an elongated shape, about four meters, whose shape reminded her of a torpedo. Could it be an eel?

The divers have said they have seen eels as thick as your legs “, has narrated Gemmel. “I don’t know if they are exaggerating or not, but there is the possibility that there are some very large”. Perhaps as much as to reach the four-meter: “an eel so would be outside the normal range, but it does not seem impossible,” said the researcher.

Garry Campbell, who recorded all sightings of the alleged monster, he remembered The Times that he told a fisherman one time: “The loch Ness is teeming with eels and 20 years ago, a fisherman came in and said: “Look, I have to tell you. We have a boat of 16 feet (a little less than five meters) and when we were fishing on loch Ness an eel passed by, and was longer than the boat “. Will this then the answer to the long-lived mystery of the monster?