A Palestinian teenager stabbed an Israeli and a tourist outside Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday before being arrested, according to Israeli police and paramedics.

“A suspect stabbed a civilian near Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem,” police said in a statement, releasing an image of the bloodstained cleaver they believe was used in the attack.

He “was chased and apprehended by police officers,” she added.

Police later identified the suspect as “a 17-year-old young man from East Jerusalem,” the predominantly Palestinian part of the holy city occupied and annexed by Israel.

Magen David Adom emergency services, the equivalent of the Red Cross in Israel, said they treated a man in his 50s with a stab wound, adding that he was in a “state serious but stable”.

They then reported that a “17-year-old boy, identified as a tourist”, had been treated and taken to hospital “for a minor superficial stomach injury”.

Since the beginning of the year, violence linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has multiplied and claimed the lives of at least 226 Palestinians, 32 Israelis, a Ukrainian and an Italian, according to an AFP count established from official sources.

This toll includes, on the Palestinian side, combatants and civilians, and on the Israeli side, mostly civilians and three members of the Arab minority.

06/09/2023 20:18:51 – Jerusalem (AFP) – © 2023 AFP