where remedy is not a distance, accommodation can be met, where disinfectants and protective masks, or even the water to wash their hands can spread the Virus, if it has crept in once more, unhindered. Also Beruwala, the partner region of the Main-Kinzig-Kreis in Sri Lanka, is suffering from the consequences of the Corona pandemic. As the former district administrator Karl Eyerkaufer (SPD) reported a lack of revenue through tourism, and the strict curfew took about three months of a regulated supply to the families is almost impossible. The situation would be much worse, would not provide the Eyerkaufer reasoned Beruwala help from the Main-Kinzig-Kreis for about 15 years, that the people of the city and the Region of Beruwala in Sri Lanka were able to improve their conditions of life, piece by piece.

Luise Glaser-Lotz

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung, the Main-Kinzig-Kreis.

F. A. Z.

a Simple, but functional houses many makeshift replaced barracks, social institutions as well as schools, kindergartens and hospitals were supported and partially built.

Where you needed the help the most

After the Tsunami at the end of the year in 2004 by the then district administrator of the Main had-Kinzig-Kreis his many years of vacation home to the goal of a permanent action from the Main-Kinzig-Kreis made. The contacts to the Locals benefited him. So had and has Eyerkaufer in Beruwala friends, ensure that help arrives in full, where it is most needed. Regular reports document the use of aid funds. This principle is for the benefit of the action in the current time of crisis particularly, so that the needy can directly be with food donations supplied.

each year Eyerkaufer visited with a Delegation of citizens and political representatives – all bear the travel costs themselves, in a Region in order to gain a picture of the progress of the relief operation. Most recently, the former district administrator, and several companions in March in Beruwala were visiting to celebrate also in the circles of the inhabitants of his eightieth birthday.


To be signed by this date, the growing problems, according to the Eyerkaufer by the pandemic already. At that time, more than 40 poor families at home were supplied with the most necessary goods, 52 food packages were given to the needy parents of the girls and boys of kindergarten Anandagama.

The orphanage mom and dad with the physically and mentally disabled young people received money for purchase of food as well as the girl house Pahalage orphans. Because of the Corona-crisis, the teachers had received three months of no wages. There, too, the Beruwala has alleviated help Eyerkaufer, according to the greatest Need temporarily. In addition, in mid-June, it was lock after the termination of the output initiated the construction of 13 houses for poor families.

But the difficult situation is coming to a head. “New calls for help from Beruwala to achieve an almost daily basis,” says Eyerkaufer. All the more grateful to the people for the donations of the citizens of the Main be-Kinzig-Kreis. Already with relatively small amounts could be triggered in the partner region of the circle is the help for self-help.