Almost a week after the explosion of the Afghan crisis, the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, broke his silence this Saturday to assess the process of evacuation of Afghan Spaniards and collaborators of Kabul and, accompanied by the European Union’s dome,
Visit the Torrejón de Ardoz air base, in Madrid, which serves since last Thursday as a platform of first attention for Afghans who arrive in Europe in search of asylum.

Spain has been “pending” of what was happening in Afghanistan “since the first second,” said the president to express the country’s commitment in this crisis.
The Spanish “rapid reaction” was applauded by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Limen;
The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, who defined the deployment in Torrejón as a symbol of “dignity” and “European values”.

Spain “It is an example of what is the soul of Europe,” said Von der Limen.
The President of the European Commission, as Michel, praised the “valuable empathy” that is demonstrating Spain by becoming the European door for Afghans in the midst of a serious “tragedy”, a “blow” for the international community.

“In the hard and in the mature,” Sánchez repeated over the “State Subject” which is the Evacuation Plan of Spaniards, Afghan Collaborators and Refugees requesting asylum.
However, he avoided specifying whether, as the opposition requests, he will attend the Congress of Members to be accountable for both this issue and by the legal chaos derived from the returns of unaccompanied Moroccan minors in Ceuta, a controversy that has dusted throughout
From the last week to the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

“Throughout these days, both the Minister of Presidency and Relations with the Cortes [Felix Bolaños] as the Minister of Foreign Affairs [José Manuel Albares] have been in contact with parliamentary spokespersons. All of them are also going to appear in
The Congress of the Deputies to realize this crisis, of what Spain is doing and, therefore, we will be available, logically, of the general courts, “the president just said.

Next Wednesday, the Permanent Diputación de la Camera will study the appearance requests filed by various parliamentary groups, which have requested explanations in full of Sánchez and 10 of their ministers.

Faced with this unknown, the opposition redoubled his requests.
The leader of the Popular Party, Pablo Married, demanded that “already back from the holidays” the president appears in Congress as other European leaders have already made “Merkel, Macron or Draghi”, to account for how it is being
Developing the operation.

The President of the Popular showed his support for the executive in what he considers an operation that requires “State policy”.
“It is a success that the president of the European Council and the European Commission support Spain,” the opposition leader, considered his fear that Sánchez “is not up to the trust of Europe.

For its part, from citizens, Deputy Miguel Gutiérrez requested that the Government organize a visit to the base of Torrejón with all parliamentary spokespersons next week to be able to observe firsthand how the Protocol has been articulated and being able to listen to the evacuees.

“As Spanish I can only feel ashamed,” he said, that Sánchez “has not been able to appear before the public opinion, with questions from journalists, and explain what his position” regarding this crisis, lamented the Orange Deputy in the

The visit of the European Union dome and the deployment in Torrejón have helped Spain -pe not to be recognized by the United States as one of the “fundamental” countries in its evacuation plan – has acquired relevance in recent days
The international management of the Afghan question.

This Saturday, Von Der Limen ruled out that the European Union has recognized the Taliban regime or established a political or diplomatic communication with them, beyond some contact in the field of operational nature.
“It is good to talk if you can save lives,” the Chair of the European Commission, which reduced the interaction to mere communication on “how to facilitate people can reach the airport” of Kabul, which is still a week after one of the
Hot spots of the crisis.

Asked by the same matter, the Government president said the same position that Von der Limen: “will be acts and facts that tell us what is the degree of credibility of the Taliban” from here on.

Afghanistan is not a “alien” place for the Spaniards and, therefore, there was no missing in the intervention of Sánchez a memory of the “memory” of the Afghan land during the last two decades.

The Spanish Mission in Afghanistan “has not been in Balde,” said government president, who made Spain “sowing” for two decades in the area, helping in the construction of roads, hospitals or schooling.
of boys and girls.
“Hopefully, in a future germinate in greater prosperity, security and freed for the Afghan people,” he said.

At the moment, and waiting to know if the Permanent Diputación del Congress accepts the requests about its parliamentary appearance, Pedro Sánchez has canceled its two upcoming international trips, Kenya and Egypt, scheduled for next week.

The chief executive decided to remain in Spain to supervise the evacuation and coordination work in Torrejón de Ardoz, which is already the main point of arrival of Afghans to Europe.
On Tuesday he will preside over his first advice of ministers after the holiday paron, a meeting in which the Afghan crisis will be one of the hot issues.