“It was after a match against the Guadalajara, at the end of March, I got up from a nap and I saw a bit blurry, but I did not give importance, I thought it was some nonsense. It took four days to go look at me. In the center of
Health was told that it could be serious, they derived me to the hospital and there he was already detected melanoma of choroids in the right eye, a tumor under the retina. I went to treat Seville, my city, where they did a lot of tests for me
Confirm the diagnosis and at the end I was told that I had two options. The first thing was to follow a long treatment that would allow me to keep the eye, but with a reduced vision and the possibility that the tumor reappeared. The second was directly that the eye
I decided that the best was the second and I am very happy with that decision. ”

Antonio Serrardilla was one of the young calls to cover the casualties of the best generation of the Spanish handball -Reúl Entrers, Joan Cañellas, Viran Milros, Gideon Guardiola, Dani Sarmiento …- When a diagnosis, melanoma of coroors in the right eye,
He forced him to leave the tracks.
Two years ago, with only 20, he had debuted as an international and with the two meters of him a position in the defense of the post-Tokyo 2020 team seemed his, but for a few months the goal of him was different.

“The handball was put aside, the first thing was health, in my club, the logroño, they understood that I went to Seville to be closer to my family and luck that I did because the first days were very hard. I spent it
Pretty badly, he bleeding a lot, he dizzy, was a complicated process. Then when I started to feel better, to do a little exercise, I already got into my head back to the tracks. I remember that in a day I started playing
T-pong with my brothers and I was very happy because I realized that I had not lost the reflections, which was a matter of getting used to it. And, well, in that I am “.

Because if Antonio Serradilla was a promise, it is still;
Because the parion because of the disease was that, a paron.
On July 26, just four months after that nap, the lateral returned to workouts with the Logroño, last week played a friendly and next Saturday 28 could participate in the first round of the European League – the former EHL cup
The technicians say that the lack of the right eye is not seen in the movements, although the time in which he could not exercise.
The main difference on the track is, in fact, that he now should always bring a protective glasses.

“But they are above all to protect me the good eye: now I can not have any accidents in that eye. On the track the sensations have been very good, much better than I expected, everyone congratulates me. I notice slow, clear.
Physically I have a lot to improve, but that does not worry because you only need hours, I’ll recover it with time. I have not changed the way to play, although I can not deny that I have less peripheral vision, I have to turn a lot of my head. I think that
I can get used to it. ”

Before the melanoma of Coroid, the progression of SerraRadilla had been all the rapid that allows the current situation of the handball in Spain.
Convinced in his school, Montequinto’s scolopes in two sisters, to leave football, at age 18, he was already the top scorer of first national with the Montequinto handball and the leader of the Youth Spain who was upcampeona of the world
In the Guadalajara he was able to premiere in Asobal and only two years later, and at an absolute international, with the Logroño he was going to debut in Europe when they stopped the Covid and the club’s economic situation.
This year, more after his illness and the recovery of him, he is all prepared.

“My goal is to return to the selection, I can recover my level. I hope to have more opportunities and I feel very linked to the team. In this time I was without playing a lot of people interested in me: I called the coach several times, Jordi
[Ribera], I was talking regularly with Raúl Entries, who helped me a lot. I guess it will cost me and that we will have to fight it, but I want to be there again. ”