The national Assembly has given Thursdays a new green light, unanimously, on a proposal of communist law to reassert the value of retirement pensions to farmers from 75% to 85% of the Minimum wage, but in 2022, and the opposition calling for it to go faster and harder.

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The text must now be examined by the Senate in second reading, quickly. In its way, it is one of the components of the government project to reform the general pension, which was suspended from the crisis of the coronavirus, which makes its return. The entourage of Emmanuel Macron has indicated recently that “some parts” might “come back, those that relate to social justice.” The proposed act’s scope by André Chassaigne in the context of a “niche”, however, has been rewritten in part by the majority, arousing the ire of the leader of the deputies-communists. The text should apply to pensioners of the future, and also current, that did not provide the draft of the executive. This point has been preserved.

But the majority has rejected the application of one year, to January 1, 2022 “at the latest”. “If we can do it sooner, we’ll do it earlier”, is committed to the secretary of State for Pensions Laurent Pietraszewski, emphasizing technical difficulties.

the president of the MSA (social security, agricultural), Pascal Cormery, had assured last week that the application was possible as early as January 1, 2021 – comments resumed in the chamber by the opposition. The members have also planned a “capping (pensions) depending on the amount of pension-all plans”, to ensure “fairness between policyholders monopensionnés and polypensionnés”. And those with another retirement due to a job side might not be concerned. It is “the false note, the fly in the milk”, has criticized Mr. Chassaigne, echoing the words of Michel Audiard. The number of potential beneficiaries is going to fall 290.000 to 196.000. In unison of the whole of the opposition, the mps LR have also denounced the fact that the proposed law was “emptied of its substance”, calling it “an act of social justice.” This text “is a better, a little better” in the eyes of socialists.

A guarantee to 1025 euros per month

The monthly pension gross affected by the heads of operations currently reaches around 953 euros on average for men and 852 euros on average for women, the figures masking significant disparities. The proposed legislation must ensure a guarantee to 1025, – euros per month, a gain of € 120 for a full career.

The text had also been adopted unanimously in first reading in February 2017 under the previous legislature. But in may 2018, through a voting procedure blocked, the government prevented its adoption in the Senate. The government had put forward the reform of the pension points in preparation.

The editorial team conseilleLa CSG and the smallest improvements have affected the level of life of retraités2 commentairesanonyme 28333le 18/06/2020 14:15

It is, in effect, guaranteeing a minimum subsistence to the men and women who feed us.

Ted001001001004le 18/06/2020 14:09

950 euros per month, for a farmer who worked all his life ? It is barely more than what an asylum seeker , I believe ?

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