According to the Pentagon, three U.S. Navy surveillance aircraft had close encounters with Russian jets over the Mediterranean as tensions between the U.S. and Russia continue to simmer.

Two U.S. officials said that such “intercepts” are common, but they are often deemed professional and safe. Officials claimed that no one was hurt in the weekend incidents but that the intercepts were not professional.


In a statement, Navy spokesman Capt. Capt. These intercepts occurred while the U.S. flight crews flew in international airspace above the Mediterranean Sea. Through diplomatic channels, we have raised our concerns with Russian officials.”

While no one was injured, interactions like these can lead to miscalculations or mistakes that could lead to more dangerous outcomes. The U.S. will continue its safe, professional and compliant international law operations in international waters. We expect Russia will do the same.”

The P-8A maritime patrol plane is similar to a Boeing 737.